Lowra gateway covering Guildford
Is there a Lowra gateway covering Guildford? I work in the Guildford science park and want to test some devices.
Thanks @seb and @jmarcelino for testing purposes what is the cheapest way to setup an indoor gateway?
@jmarcelino I've just added sigfox to home-assistant btw https://github.com/home-assistant/home-assistant/blob/dev/homeassistant/components/sensor/sigfox.py
The gateway in our Guildford office is currently offline due to a shortage of ethernet ports
There is a LoRa gateway at the Pycom office but 1) it's indoors and 2) Guildford's terrain isn't really ideal for any sort of wide coverage
Neither the more open TTN nor Things Connected show any gateways there. Maybe Everynet has one but it would be difficult to get access anyway.
I think Sigfox works, at least in some areas where I tried last time.