Update Week Commencing 5th December
Dear all,
I write to give you a brief update as I sit in a cigarette infested taxi at 5am making our way to Shanghai Airport :)
I am in China with Daniel/Bettina as we undergo another set of key meetings with our core technology partners.
I am pleased to say that yesterday we spent the day with Teo and the rest of the amazing team at Espressif. I can confirm that we do now have the required IDF 1.0 and so the next 2 weeks will see us get the new firmware version released for the WiPy, LoPy and SiPy! WiFi/BLE co-existence is there as well as WiFi power / use optimisation.
Daniel will release a more thorough spec shortly however needless to say there will be no firmware update this week as the dev team focus on getting this release to you by 16th December as promised.
Best wishes
@Fred Thank you for an update with such long waited good news. Keeping fingers crossed for Dev Team! :o)