Micropython firmware for esp32
I have an esp32 pycom wipy3.0 wifi Bluetooth module with a pysense board.
I have installed the firmware esp32-20180920-v.1.9.4-560-g185716514.
I thought that micropython is micropython but I have experienced so many strange errors (some times my programs run perfectly, other times the very same programs crash with mysterious error messages). So now I have the suspicion that I use the wrong firmware. But what is then the correct firmware? And where can I find it?
@priis You constantly use the wrong firmware images with the wrong tools. Stop panicking. If you have a WiPy3, then you have to use the Pycom tools. The pycom firmware will be downloaded by the pycom update tool on the fly. You do not have to download the firmware beforehand. The firmware updating tool is here: https://pycom.io/downloads/
The instructions are in the link I gave you earlier: https://docs.pycom.io/gettingstarted/installation/firmwaretool
Please follow the instructions. You do not have to use esptool.py of firmware images from other sources.
@priis ....I also tried flash download tool v3.6.4. which also fails with a chip sync error:
Invalid head of packet ('\x08').
Will I ever get the firmware updated?
I cannot find the right way to do it.
I tried NodeMCU Pyflasher.
The console says
for a few seconds - but after that nothing seems to happen.
I also tried
espttol.py --port COM7 write_flash -fm dio 000000 esp32-20180927-v1.9.4-584-g57a7d5be9.bin
only resulting in an error message:
serial.serialutil.SerialException: could not open port 'COM7'
@priis you shpuld update the firmware following the instructions here: https://docs.pycom.io/gettingstarted/installation/firmwaretool
@priis ...Sorry, my firmware is
MicroPython v1.8.6-621-g17ee404e on 2017-05-25; WiPy with ESP32