LTE Available Towers
Does anyone have an example of how to query available LTE towers (cellid etc) with the Sequans modem? Ultimately I want to try and use the Google location API with this information to locate the GPy.
@panda With the command:
lte.send_at_command('AT!="setDbgPerm full"')
There is also :
which gives you the command list, and
lte.send_at_command('AT!="help <command>"')
lte.send_at_command('AT!="help help"')
telling you, how to use help to get the list section by section. The list is quite long.
The showDetectedCell command indicates permissions are required when it is executed. How do you get that command to work?
Thanks! I'll give that a shot.
@panda You can try the command:
you might repeat that a few times, and it will show you detected cells.
Also useful might be: