Difficulty in running the basic drivers from PyCom...
For reference, I am running a WiPy 3.0 with a Pysense expansion board. I tried to run the basic example that allows you to manipulate the various sensors the Pysense.
I put the modules from the default Pysense examples on the Pycom github (link here: https://github.com/pycom/pycom-libraries/tree/master/pysense) into the lib folder on the device. I also found pycoproc.py and added that as well. However, I keep getting ImportErrors. When I added lib. prefixes to all of the given imports, I found that it recognized the modules but still could not import the driver classes within those modules. I also keep getting this weird symbol ╝> returned whenever I try to run main.py. Any thoughts?
@paul-thornton Just did. :)
Could you post your main.py as well, Ill take a look :)