MemoryError: memory allocation failed, allocating 2048 bytes - LOPY - 1.2.0.b1

  • That sounds great. Hopefully, some of that stays available for user code.

  • @mkharibalaji, the FiPy comes with extra 4 megabytes of RAM to handle the extra requirements having 5 networks impose. Right now the LoPy available RAM is low compared to what is expected, but this situation should improve in future versions of the firmware.

  • Hello Hari,
    that's a good question. I'm a user like you, so I cannot tell. But given the rate memory is used for the firmware, we'll end up with a negative amount of free memory :-)

  • Thanks a lot @robert-hh I will give it a spin.
    And one more question - I have pledged Fipy in Kickstarter and if tte Lopy itself is going out of memory then how will be Wifi,Bluetooth,Lora,SigFox and LTE-M would be managed ?
    I am asking this question out of curiosity

    Many Thanks,

  • The new release has cut back memory even more. Two options:
    a) go back to version 1.0.0.x
    b) use pre-compiled code.
    Option b is only helpful if you get the memory error during import.
    It is a little bit tricky. It requires you to build your own code from the github repository, by downloading and installing pycom-micropython and pycom-esp-idf. The respective directory is pycom-micropython/esp32. The make command would be:
    make BOARD=LOPY
    That is best done on a linux system. Once you managed to install the files and be able to create a build, add the following line to esp32/mpconfigport.h:
    Then build the image again, and flash it to LoPy with
    make BOARD=LOPY flash
    Don't forget to connect GP23 and GND before flashing.
    You then have to create the cross-compiler, which resides on
    pycom-micropython/mpy-cross, just with a make command in the directory.
    You the can do a cross-compile with:
    which creates a file named your_code.mpy
    Load that to your LoPy (e.g. using ftp or FireFTP), and import it like a normal Python source script. The difference is, that the compile step is performed on you PC and does not require RAM on you LoPy, which is normal exhausted first.

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