Downlink and Uplink Transmission

  • I am using the LoPy4 radio to send GPS points frequently and to receive an action in response to the information sent out. I am using the LoRa network, Senet as the platform to handle the devices, and uart to get the GPS points.

    I am having trouble understanding how the uplinked payload is being displayed. Is it in hex, decimal, or ascii? How can I manipulate the payload being displayed?

    Downlinking has been giving me trouble. I want to address a few concerns with this. Same as the uplink payload, I do not understand how the downlink message is being displayed. Is it in hex, decimal, or ascii? How can I manipulate the payload being displayed?

    I want to receive GPS points over the uart and send this over the LoRa network. Then, I want to receive something over the LoRa network and forward back through the uart. What is the way I should do this?

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