simple method to identify which expansion board is being used?
is there a simple micropython method I can call to determine the expansion board/pyscan/pysense/pytrack my pycom devboard is connected to?
The only option I can think of is to use exception handling. e.g. try py = Pysense():
Same topic:
Here's a method to create a generic exp. board object:
from pycoproc import Pycoproc from pysense import Pysense from pytrack import Pytrack # create exp board object using unknown board type pyexp = Pycoproc(1) if pyexp.read_product_id() == 61458: print("Using Pysense") pyexp = Pysense() if pyexp.read_product_id() == 61459: print("Using Pytrack") pyexp = Pytrack()
Later on use eg:
if pyexp.board_type == pyexp.PYSENSE: si7006 = SI7006A20()
Perhaps someone can tell us the id for the Pyscan board.
is what you need.See
Note that this won’t work for the first versions of the expansion board which didn’t have a PIC.