Deepsleep hangs system
After getting my aplication to work on USB power I tried starting battery powered operation. This was (and is) not a big success to say the least....
I am using a Lopy , a deepsleep shield and tried both, a version 2 and 3 expansion board.
I use the code below to setup the lopy:
As soon as the last line of this code is called the unit stops, independent of the code following this line......
As said: this only happens when on battery power not on USB power.
If I comment out this line (and any other ds related comments) the unit connects to TTN, no problem.
I am lost please help!!!Arno
import machine from network import WLAN from network import LoRa from machine import Pin, Timer, UART, PWM, I2C from deepsleep import DeepSleep import deepsleep import struct import binascii import socket import pycom import time import _thread import utime import array # Turn off hearbeat LED pycom.heartbeat(False) ds = DeepSleep() """i2c = I2C(0, pins=(Pin.module.P21, Pin.module.P20)) # SCL=A8, SDA=C9 print(i2c.scan()) import at24c32n eeprom = at24c32n.AT24C32N(i2c) # 80 == 0x50 == AT24C32N EEPROM # 104 == 0x68 == DS1307 import ds1307 dst = ds1307.DS1307(i2c) print(dst.datetime()) dst.halt(False) """ off = 0x000000 red = 0xff0000 green = 0x00ff00 blue = 0x0000ff pycom.rgbled(0xf0000f) # wake up the unit with P17 or P18 ds.enable_pullups('P17') ds.enable_pullups('P18') # set a signal to detect the progress pycom.rgbled(green) time.sleep(3.0) # get the wake reason and the value of the pins during wake up wake_s = ds.get_wake_status()code_text
Thanks again for your explanations, @robert-hh!
@robert-hh said in Deepsleep hangs system:
I'm not fully sure, because I never got myself an expansion board 3.x.
I never imagined
could also be used for the regular expansion board 3.x, I always though it was for controlling the PyTrack and PySense boards only.Now reading that the same hardware functionality available from the latter two as well as the early Deep Sleep Shield might also be available on the expansion board 3.x, we will be more than happy to investigate whether one can put the device into even lower/zero currents.
@Arno There are no schematics published for expansion board 3.x. As far as I understand it, the library to use should be this one:
I'm not fully sure, because I never got myself an expansion board 3.x. I have a model 2 in the drawer, and use my own base boards with a FT232 chip for desk testing.
@robert-hh Thanks for the update. Can you give a link to the libraries to use, the explanation on how to use and the schematics of the expansion boards? especially for the 3.1 expansion board?
It would be of great help to me and others.
@andreas To have a deep sleep which cuts teh power to the device there are two options:
- yyPy + Deepsleep shield + expansion board 2 (or something else)
- yyPx + one of the newer expansion boards (expansion board 3, pysense, pytrack, pyscan)
The old xxPy devices (WiPy2, LoPy1, SiPy) have a bug in the power regulator, causing the current being too high, when started with machine.deepsleep().
The deep sleep shield and the newer expansion board use different libraries and must not used together. You can imagine the deep sleep shield as the protoype to expansion board 3. It is one of the few devices where the schematics are available. According to that, It is connected to P10, P17 and P28.
So all of that does not help with the posters initial problem.
@robert-hh said in Deepsleep hangs system:
For these board and other early boards Pycom supplies the deep sleep shield, which powers off the board. This function was then integrated into the expansion board 3.x.
Thanks again for the thorough information on that topic and for closing the gaps in our knowledge about this. So, I am humbly asking how you would invoke this kind of deep sleep with the expansion board 3.x then?
I figure that if the functionality to achieve a complete power cut is available from the expansion board already, it might well be used by devices other than the LoPy to save even more power than the ESP32-based deep sleep mode invoked through
.Sorry if I am getting something wrong here but your answer made me curious.
@andreas The initial poster use sa LoPy board, which has a bug with respect to machine.deepsleep(). The current consumption would not drop. For these board and other early boards Pycom supplies the deep sleep shield, which powers off the board. This function was then integrated into the expansion board 3.x.
So if you use expansion board 3.x, you must not use the deep sleep shield and its library. If you use expansion board 2.1, you have to use the deep sleep shield, at least if you want a low sleep current.
@Arno said in Deepsleep hangs system:
It would be very helpful if someone can direct me at an example where an expansion board 3.1 is used in combination with deep sleep
class referenced above (maybe frompycoproc
) is for controlling the complete shutdown on other boards and the deep sleep shield from the early days. At least, this is what I learned.With or without expansion board, you might want to just invoke
these days. However, this will not completely cut the power supply to the device but rather activate the vanilla deep sleep mode of the ESP32 [1].[1]
According to the helpdesk will not work for expansion boards so I am confused....
It would be very helpful if someone can direct me at an example where an expansion board 3.1 is used in combination with deep sleep
@robert-hh Good piece of information posted here.
Thanks for the advise. It would be useful if it would bring me a bit further.
Updating the Fw to version 1.18.2.r6 did not help me much. I removed the deepsleep board and dowloaded and installed the file. Now I get the (infamous) Exception: Board not detected: I2C bus error.... Searched the forum for a solution to no avail..
Working on it for 3 hours but still do not have a solution..
- If I look at the Pycoproc code it seems only for the pysense and pytrack boards. There is no reference to the expansion board. Will it still work and will it bring my combination (with deepsleep shield) into deepsleep / low power mode?
Shall work. They moved the common part into pycoproc when they planned additional boards with the PIC (pysense, expension 3.x).
- Do I still need the deepsleep shield with the version 3.1 expansion board?
No. Maybe this is your current problem. On both is a PIC microcontroler which shall handle the deepsleep. Talking to both at the same time may issue a lot of problems.
Thanks for the clarification. I will update the firmware on the Lopy and try again.
Maybe you can also answer some related questions:- If I look at the Pycoproc code it seems only for the pysense and pytrack boards. There is no reference to the expansion board. Will it still work and will it bring my combination (with deepsleep shield) into deepsleep / low power mode?
- Do I still need the deepsleep shield with the version 3.1 expansion board?
- Is it possible to extract the elapsed or remaining time when the wakeup is through a pin level change? This was not possible with the previous combination with the version 2 expansion board but would help me a lot...
An update on the site would also help.....
Your LoPy firmware is quite old. pycom has unified the board access a few versions ago. They use now the class Pycoproc on all boards with a PIC. Deepsleep is now splitted into two functions. setup_sleep and go_to_sleep.
Hi My Lopy firmware version is 1.15.0.b1.
the firmware version of the 3.1 board is:0.0.11 (the latest version
I add the complete code of which most is commented out. In this shape the code just sets up OTAA connection not more.# -- put your code here!! import machine from network import WLAN from network import LoRa from machine import Pin, Timer, UART, PWM, I2C from deepsleep import DeepSleep import deepsleep import struct import binascii import socket import pycom import time import _thread import utime import array # Turn off hearbeat LED pycom.heartbeat(False) ds = DeepSleep() """i2c = I2C(0, pins=(Pin.module.P21, Pin.module.P20)) # SCL=A8, SDA=C9 print(i2c.scan()) import at24c32n eeprom = at24c32n.AT24C32N(i2c) # 80 == 0x50 == AT24C32N EEPROM # 104 == 0x68 == DS1307 import ds1307 dst = ds1307.DS1307(i2c) print(dst.datetime()) dst.halt(False) """ off = 0x000000 red = 0xff0000 green = 0x00ff00 blue = 0x0000ff pycom.rgbled(0xf0000f) # wake up the unit with P17 or P18 ds.enable_pullups('P17') ds.enable_pullups('P18') # get the wake reason and the value of the pins during wake up pycom.rgbled(green) time.sleep(3.0) wake_s = ds.get_wake_status() # print(wake_s) # ds.enable_wake_on_raise('P10') # ds.enable_wake_on_fall('P17') # ds.enable_wake_on_fall('P18') # ds.go_to_sleep(10) # go to sleep for 10 seconds # if wake_s["P10"] == 1 : sys.exit() # print("P17= ", wake_s["P17"]," P18= ",wake_s["P18"]) # print(ds.get_wake_status()) timing1 = [[0,-1],[0,0],[0,0],[0,0],[0,0],[0,0],[0,0],[0,0],[0,0],[0,0]] # define intermediate array to store time of entry, could be one dimensional timing2 = [[0,0],[0,0],[0,0],[0,0],[0,0],[0,0],[0,0],[0,0],[0,0],[0,0]] """to be used with switch pulling to ground p_in_G30 = Pin(Pin.exp_board.G30, mode=Pin.IN, pull=Pin.PULL_UP) p_in_G31 = Pin(Pin.exp_board.G31, mode=Pin.IN, pull=Pin.PULL_UP) """ #if wake_s['wake'] == deepsleep.PIN_WAKE: #retreive timing1 and 2 from EEPROM """ str1 =,245) str1 = str1.decode('ascii') l_str1 = str1.find("]]")+2 timing1 = list(eval(str1[0:l_str1])) str2 =,500) str2 = str2.decode('ascii') l_str2 = str2.find("]]")+2 timing2 = list(eval(str2[0:l_str2])) i1 = timing1[0][1] i2 = timing1[1][1] # here needs to be a while loop print(timing1) print(timing2) print("----------------------") # i1 = number of ows inside the box #timing1 contains the time stamp of the latest passage related to the number of ows inside the box # timing2 contains the reside time and number of passages for 1,2,3.. ows in box #timing2 is the array to be transmitted Not needed anymore as we set datetime to 0 at end of routing for i in range(0,len(timing2)): timing1[i][0] = dst.datetime()[5]*60 + dst.datetime()[6] time1 = dst.datetime()[5]*60 + dst.datetime()[6] # while dst.datetime()[5]*60 + dst.datetime()[6] < 20: # while i2 < 6: time1 = dst.datetime()[5]*60 + dst.datetime()[6] """ """ if wake_s["P17"] == 0: # so pin pulled to zero #chrono.start() i1 += 1 pycom.rgbled(blue) if wake_s["P18"] == 0: #so pin pulled to zero #chrono.stop() pycom.rgbled(red) ds.go_to_sleep(10) """ """ elif wake_s['wake'] == deepsleep.TIMER_WAKE: print("time expired") pycom.rgbled(off) """ """ # write to SD card f = open('/sd/test.txt', 'a') f.write(' '.join(str(s) for s in timing2) + '\n') f.close() f = open('/sd/test.txt', 'r') print('outcome is:') print(f.readall()) f.close() b = [0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0] for i in range(0,len(timing2)-1,1): eerste element opdelen in 2 bytes door //256 en % 256 b[i*3] = timing2[i][0] // 256 b[i*3+1] = timing2[i][0] % 256 b[i*3+2] = timing2[i][1] l_b = 0 for i in range(0,len(b),1): if b[i] != 0: l_b = i B1 = bytes(array.array('B',b[0:l_b+1])) """ """ B1 = hex(10) lora = LoRa(mode=LoRa.LORAWAN) lora.nvram_restore() s = socket.socket(socket.AF_LORA, socket.SOCK_RAW) s.setsockopt(socket.SOL_LORA, socket.SO_DR, 5) s.setblocking(True) if lora.has_joined: print(lora.has_joined()) print(B1) s.send(B1) else: # Initialize LoRaWAN radio lora = LoRa(mode=LoRa.LORAWAN) print(binascii.hexlify(lora.mac()).upper().decode('utf-8')) # Set network keys dev_eui = binascii.unhexlify('00D85D973D86EE6F') app_eui = binascii.unhexlify('70B3D57ED000A657') app_key = binascii.unhexlify('4317A37691B9333FC62842FEBADE5F78') # Join the network lora.join(activation=LoRa.OTAA, auth=(dev_eui, app_eui, app_key), timeout=0) while not lora.has_joined(): print('Not joined yet...') pycom.rgbled(off) time.sleep(1.0) pycom.rgbled(red) time.sleep(1.0) print('Joined') pycom.rgbled(blue) print(app_eui) s = socket.socket(socket.AF_LORA, socket.SOCK_RAW) s.setsockopt(socket.SOL_LORA, socket.SO_DR, 5) s.setblocking(True) s.send(B1) lora.nvram_save() # go to sleep for 1800 second = 0.5 hour ds.go_to_sleep(28) else: # deepsleep.POWER_ON_WAKE: print("Power ON reset") """ lora = LoRa(mode=LoRa.LORAWAN) if not lora.has_joined(): lora = LoRa(mode=LoRa.LORAWAN) print(binascii.hexlify(lora.mac()).upper().decode('utf-8')) # Set network keys dev_eui = binascii.unhexlify('00D85D973D86EE6F') app_eui = binascii.unhexlify('70B3D57ED000A657') app_key = binascii.unhexlify('4317A37691B9333FC62842FEBADE5F78') # Join the network lora.join(activation=LoRa.OTAA, auth=(dev_eui, app_eui, app_key), timeout=0) while not lora.has_joined(): print('Not joined yet...') pycom.rgbled(off) time.sleep(1.0) pycom.rgbled(red) time.sleep(1.0) print('Joined') pycom.rgbled(blue) print(app_eui) s = socket.socket(socket.AF_LORA, socket.SOCK_RAW) s.setsockopt(socket.SOL_LORA, socket.SO_DR, 5) s.setblocking(True) lora.nvram_save()
I noticed two problems with deepsleep over the PIC. i2c can fail or the board never goes to sleep, so it will not wake up. I assume it is as well a communication problem between ESP and PIC, but without an exception.
The internal watchdog can get you out of both states. Deepsleep works best with latest firmware versions. Some report that other stuff may not work, so you have to try that for your own configuration.
Please add beside the missing source part the the firmware versions of LoPy and PIC.
@Arno The code you post seems incomplete. At least the last line looks strange.