Wireless Firmware Update WiPy 3.0
Please Help! All I ask is for a guide to updating the firmware for my newly purchased WiPy 3.0 without any cables or expansion boards. I would just like to power the board and update firmware wirelessly.
Is this even possible?
What are the steps?
I would really appreciate a guide on this. Thank you!!
P.S: Windows 10 OS if that matters.
@MicroPyStudent appimg.bin is the only file, that is accepted. The version must not be r1.20.xx, because that has a different partition layout.
@robert-hh Thank you for the advice!! Are the other files in the .tar not necessary?? Is the appimage.bin the only file I need to transfer?
@MicroPyStudent You can do so with FTP win the following steps:
a) you need the firmware image. It is either inculded in the tar file you can download form the Pycom server https://software.pycom.io/downloads/WiPy.html, or is is in the directory .../esp32/build/ESP32/release, called wipy.bin
b) rename wipy.bin to appimg.bin
c) power the wipy and connect to it with FTP. Command line ftp of windows is incompatible, use FileZilla or similar (see https://docs.pycom.io/gettingstarted/programming/ftp.html).
d) Upload appimg.bin to /flash/sys.
After reboot, the new firmware should run.Another approach can be found in the documentation art https://docs.pycom.io/tutorials/all/ota.html. It uses a special server and client, and Lora and WiFi for communication. While it also can be used without LoRa, by just using the WiFi components.
You can also write you own update client, which makes use of the functions pycom.ota_start(), pycom.ota_write(buffer) and pycom.ota_finish() (see https://docs.pycom.io/firmwareapi/pycom/pycom.html) and pulls the image from a server of your choice.
@MicroPyStudent Your first step will be to provide power to the board, which will probably involve a decent power supply and some jumper wires and/or a breadboard, and something to connect to the former to the latter (which depends a lot on the power supply).
You're probably better off getting an expansion board with will allow to to use an USB power source to power the board, and give you a lot more things along the way.