UART Issues
I am trying to read NMEA strings over UART, I can get this working fine however after a period of time I get a NoneType when running com.readline().
Code to reproduce the problem is below.
from machine import UART from time import sleep_ms # Setup comms to the GPS # G11 to GPS Rx # G24 to GPS Tx com = UART(1, baudrate=9600, bits=8, parity=None, stop=1,pins=("G24","G11")) while True: print(com.readline()) sleep_ms(1000)
It would appear that sending data over UART0 causes partial or complete NMEA strings to be printed. I am wondering if this is a buffer problem or interference?
Running Soft resetting the LoPy None None b'00329.3998,W,0.07,23.12,170117,,,D*48\r\n' b'$GPVTG,23.12,T,,M,0.07,N,0.14,K,D*08\r\n' b',20,26,03,050,*4B\r\n' b'$GPRMC,101354.000,A,5042.5075,N,8,48.3,M,50.4,M,0000,0000*4F\r\n' b'$GPGS48\r\n' b'$GPVTG,23.12,T,,M,0.07,N,0.14,K,D*08\r\n' b'$GPGGA,1009\r\n'
LoPy details below:
(sysname='LoPy', nodename='LoPy', release='1.3.0.b1', version='v1.8.6-379-gc44ebac on 2017-01-13', machine='LoPy with ESP32')
Any help greatly appreciated.
I'm also experiencing this exact same problem with a Sipy and expansion board. Has there been any solution/reason to this issue?
Using an external GPS but of the same brand type that is on the Pytrack (mine is the l80). Using the same speed and pins as the original poster.
Sipy and Expansion board have both been upgraded to the latest firmware.
@PeterBaugh Did you check on f/w 1.4.0.b1 ?