pack binary trame

  • hello,

    i receive a value from 7 sensors. After that i create a binary trame to send in sigfox. But i can't send the hexa value in sigfox so i try to use the pack function but i have a probleme with the fmt . i don't know which ftm choose. For the moment my code but it's not working because i receive only

    class tools:
        def trame(capt1,capt2,capt3,capt4):
            result= (1 << 4) | 0001
            result = (result << 10) | capt1
            result = (result << 4 ) | 0010
            result = (result << 10) | capt2
            result = (result << 4 ) | 0011
            result= (result << 12 ) | capt3
            """result = (result << 4 ) | 0100
            result= (result << 8 ) | capt4"""
            result=pack('hhl', result)
            return  result

  • @quentho If you have three format specifiers in ustruct.pack(), you have to supply three values. The questions is, how you want to pack that into a message? And what is the value range of each sensor? And why do you add these 0001, 0010, 0011, 0100 (1,2,3,4) pattern into the string?

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