Sending packet from LoRa Node (Lopy4) - Forming a network with LoRa Gateway (RAK831 Pilot gateway)
I could connect update the Lopy4 firmware. Also could install Atom for PyMakr plugin and could communicate with the Lopy4. Tried changing the LED colour of the Lopy4 and it worked.
Actually, I am new to the Micro Python. My initial task is to send the packets from Lopy4 (node) to the RAK831 Pilot Gateway (Gateway) and the Gateway should receive the packet, thus forming the network between the node and gateway. Any suggestions on how to do it will be appreciated.
Thank you
@jcaron Thank you for the information
@phusy012 have you checked the examples in the documentation? They should include most of the information you need for this on the LoPy side of things.
Note that in the case of the US region (and possibly others) there may be the issue of the channels to use. But in most other cases the examples should work right away.
Note however that I’m not familiar with that gateway, but you usually also need a network server (LNS) which knows the devices and gateways and controls the overall setup.