short press vs. long press button (pin.IN)
Hello together, I need your ideas ;-)
I use the P4 to reset the board by pressing a button.
but I want to use the button with multiple example: if I press the button short (1 Second) board restart
if I press the button 10 seconds I want to do another action. (like deleting a file with os.remove('config.json')returns of P4 is 0 & 1
#PIN4 to PWR_PYM machine.pin_deepsleep_wakeup(['P4'], mode=machine.WAKEUP_ANY_HIGH, enable_pull=True) # make `P4` an input with the pull-up enabled p_in = Pin('P4', mode=Pin.IN, pull=Pin.PULL_DOWN) def th_rst(delay, id): while True: time.sleep(delay) if p_in() == 1: utime.sleep_ms(1000) print("--> Button pressed one time") utime.sleep_ms(1000) machine.reset() for i in range(2): _thread.start_new_thread(th_rst, (i + 1, i))
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