Failed to connect (Error: Port is not open)
I have the same problem as the referenced thread.
Ubuntu 18.04.3 LTS
Atom v1.38.2
pymakr v1.4.14I also can get the above combination of Atom and pymakr versions to work on a Windows machine, but I need to get it working in Linux.
Any help would be appreciated.
@Nebr You could try to add yourself to the dialout group:
sudo adduser <your name> dialout
And then logout/login, or to be safe, reboot.
@Nebr That is a permission issues on your port. To verify you can try sudo chmod 777 /dev/ttyACM0 and then try to connect
@Nebr Update:
Every thing seems to be working at this point.
Under the pymakr Settings>Global settings if you page down to the bottom there is a "Cannot connect to Pycom device on Linux" section (shame on me for not finding this sooner). Running the command sudo usermod -a -G dialout $USER as directed seems to have solved the issue.