Test machine.idle() - fw 1.4.0.b1
I want to reduce the power consumption to do some field tests of the LoPy device. So I included the new implemented machine.idle() command to my SW. But I couldn't remark an impact to the battery lifetime.
So I want to analyze the function a little closer with this simple code:
import machine from machine import Timer from machine import Pin #import pycom #Initiate LED led = Pin('G16', mode=Pin.OUT) #Init board #pycom.heartbeat(False) def drip(p): led.toggle() machine.idle() #Init Alarm alarm = Timer.Alarm(drip, 30, periodic=True)
In that example the heartbeat is always flashing, as well during the time of machine.idle(). Should it do that? Remains one core of the CPU active?
Does anybody got a remarkable drop of energy consumption, by using machine.idle()? Do I use the function in a wrong way?