Can't read nfc chip with pyscan

  • Hi,

    I am trying to read an mifare classic chip with my pyscan. I sotred there url links with usb reader. But when I am reading it with pyscan (using example code in file) it does not work. It returns all sectors blank eg:

    Sector 08 : Block: 02 : 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00

    But in reality there is url stored.

    When I set debug to true when initializing MFRC630 it always returns mesasge that all seems to be wel...l but this can't be the case since all results are empty.

    Screenshot 2019-11-25 at 21.09.42.png

    Thanks for help

  • Me too,
    same issue.
    It is possible that Pycom is not aswering on this??

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