Pytrack deepsleep wakeup on pin problems

  • Hi,
    I'm trying to have my GPy on a Pytrack wake up from deepsleep once the onboard button is pushed.
    I'm trying to use the pycoproc deepsleep function as this gives me a lower sleep current.
    I'm neither able to use the P14 on board button nor the P9 "INT Pin" to wakeup.
    What is a known hardware setup to get the Pycom pin wakeup working?
    Is there any way to use an existing button (GPy reset or P14) instead of a new one?

    Alternatively, how do I disable all Pytrack chips without turning the GPy's power off so I can sleep it separately?


    The exact problem apart from no real documentation on how to set the INT pin up is that I have another device on Pin 9 and would like to get around undoing that whole thing.
    (I'm using P9, P10, P11, P18, P19, P20 for an e paper display)
    With machine.deepsleep() and every radio disabled I get about ~30mA current draw. With the same code on an Expansion board instead of a Pytrack I get ~500uA, With py.go_to_sleep() I get either ~6mA (probably due to a problematic wakeup pin config / setup) or <150uA (which is expected because of my peripherals and OK-ish) with no real pattern.

    I am using this to turn off GPS and


    to turn the LTE as off as possible.
    my is

    import network
    import gc
    import os
    import pycom
    bt = network.Bluetooth()
    ap = network.WLAN()
    server = network.Server()

    which should cover all bases.

    To try the Pytrack deepsleep with Pin Wakeup I've tried

    py.setup_int_wake_up(False, False)

    which does nothing when jumping P#9 to either GND ore 3V3.
    The timed restart is also so-so as it sometimes doesn't restart after my 20s but instead after a minute, 5 or never.

  • @Peter-Ehses The whole Pytrack/Pysense wake-on-pin is a bit of a mess in my experience, but you can make it work.

    The trick is to cut (or somehow isolate) P9 on the *Py module. Otherwise you'll get all sorts of weird behaviour because P9 is (indirectly) pulled low during Pytrack/Pysense-controlled deep sleep.

    The right order for the calls on a Pysense is (or was, the last time I played with that):

              py.setup_int_pin_wake_up(not p)

    (here p is the current state of the pin, so it dictates whether we want to wake up on falling or rising edge)

    Don't quite remember where the setup_int_wake_up call fits (didn't use it in my case), but most likely after the setup_sleep.

    See previous discussions on this topic:

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