External Wi-Fi antenna

  • Good day community,

    could you please clarify, can the external Wi-Fi antenna be used if I'm working through Arduino IDE in FiPy board?
    I mean in the Basic connection chapter of Getting started documentation we can find the following: "witching between the antennas is done via software, instructions for this can be found here." and for sure in the WLAN machine init method there is antenna selection option.
    Would it be enough to configure pin12(GPIO21) as output and set it to 1 to switch for an external antenna?
    And by the way, is there some info about suggested Wi-Fi antenna https://pycom.io/product/external-wifi-antenna/ like gain or I can assume it as 3dBm for rough calculations?


  • @dnbrk The antenna switch is a dedicated chip, connected to GPIO21. So yes, you can switch it using GPIO21. About the antenna, you have to look at the data sheet of the antenna you plan to use.

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