Firmware Release v1.20.2
Dear Pycom community!
We're happy to announce the release of stable version 1.20.2
The most important changes are:
- Add support for EU433 region
- Pybytes 1.5.1
- Improve support for different firmware "types" (Pybytes, Pymesh, Pygate)
- LTE: add PSM Power Saving Mode
- IDF recompiled with v98 compiler
- Ctrl-D works if pybytes is disabled (pycom.pybytes_on_boot(False))
- supports additional pybytes options
- Sigfox: finalizing certification RCZ1, 2, 4
- BLE: Allow static passwords, remove bonded when pin changes
- Support Sigfox registration for Pybytes
- MDNS advertisement works
- Adding libmdns.a to esp32/lib
- Adding scripts for PyJTAG and short Readme
- BLE characteristic update messages are lost if they sent too frequently
- add bands=() parameter to lte.attach()
- PYFW-391: Add changes needed for esp-idf v3.3.1
- bugfixes
Functionally this is the same as the last Release Candidate 1.20.2.rc10. As usual, you can
- install this update with the Firmware Updater
- find the source code in branches v1.20 and Dev
- download the firmware packages (.tar.gz) the docs
- and find the .elf files in the github release