NB-IOT dropping after an hour or so
I have a FiPy connected to a pyscan. It can connect to pybytes and send data happily for an hour or so. After this time, it drops. The more attempts to get it working consecutively, the more frequently the drops occur, to the point where I'm lucky if I have more than 5 minutes of connectivity. Typically the drops are due to illegalinstruction errors or loadprohibited errors. Looking around the forum, this appears to be related to power. Can anyone elaborate on the issue? My code below.Many thanks in advance (and yes my experience with microcontrollers is minimal!)
Code here-
################### imports #print("Starting imports") from pyscan import Pyscan from MFRC630 import MFRC630 import time import pycom from machine import SD, I2C, RTC, Pin from PCA9554 import PCA9554 #for io expander import _thread import os import DS3231 #for RTC import gc #for network check from network import LTE lte=LTE() netstate = False #from network import WLAN #wlan = WLAN() #imports for pybytes from _pybytes_config import PybytesConfig from _pybytes import Pybytes pybytes_config = PybytesConfig().read_config() pybytes = Pybytes(pybytes_config) #setup for watchdog #from machine import WDT #wdt = WDT(timeout=50000) # enable it with a timeout of 50 seconds #wdt.feed() #print("imports successful") ################# Functions start def chiplog(tap): #local recording of taps as csv on sd card f = open("/sd/taplog.csv", "a") f.write(tap) f.write("\n") f.close() def time_calc(): #get time from external RTC time_now = ds.DateTime() year = str(time_now[0]) month = str(time_now[1]) day = str(time_now[2]) weekday =str(time_now[3]) hour = str(time_now[4]) minute = str(time_now[5]) second = str(time_now[6]) if len(second) == 1: second = "0" + second if len(month) == 1: month = "0" + month if len(day) == 1: day = "0" + day if len(hour) == 1: hour = "0" + hour if len(minute) == 1: minute = "0" + minute #millisecond = str(time_now[7]) time_stamp = year + "-" + month + "-" + day + " " + hour + ":" + minute + ":" + second del year del month del day del hour del minute del second del time_now return(time_stamp) def minute_check(): #get last digit time_now = ds.DateTime() minute = str(time_now[5]) del time_now if len(minute) > 1: minute = minute[1:2] return(minute) def chipscan(): #picking up the NFC chips # Send REQA for ISO14443A card type atqa = nfc.mfrc630_iso14443a_WUPA_REQA(nfc.MFRC630_ISO14443_CMD_REQA) if (atqa != 0): # A card has been detected, read UID uid = bytearray(10) uid_len = nfc.mfrc630_iso14443a_select(uid) #print("Detected") if (uid_len > 0): # A valid UID has been detected, print details #print("UID Detected") uid_str=map(str,uid) uid_str=''.join(uid_str) #print(uid_str) return(uid_str) else: return("misread") else: return("no_chip") #reset for next time nfc.mfrc630_cmd_reset() time.sleep(0.1) # Re-Initialise the MFRC630 with settings as these got wiped during reset nfc.mfrc630_cmd_init() def posindication(): #beep and flash for successful scan global count #buzzer.set() buzzer(True) led.set() time.sleep(0.3) #buzzer.reset() buzzer(False) led.reset() count = 0 def negindication(): #periodic flash global count if count == 30: led.set() time.sleep(0.2) led.reset() count = 0 else: count = count + 1 def setexternalrtc(): buzzer(True) led.set() time.sleep(0.5) buzzer(False) time.sleep(0.5) buzzer(True) time.sleep(0.5) buzzer(False) #start ntp sync rtc.ntp_sync("0.uk.pool.ntp.org",update_period=3600) time.sleep(5) if rtc.synced() == True: print("Time synced") time_now = rtc.now() #set date ds.Year(time_now[0]) ds.Month(time_now[1]) ds.Day(time_now[2]) #set time ds.Hour(time_now[3]) ds.Minute(time_now[4]) ds.Second(time_now[5]) #indicate buzzer(True) time.sleep(0.5) buzzer(False) else: print("Time not synced") led.reset() def network_check(): global netstate if lte.isconnected() == True: netstate = True #elif wlan.isconnected() == True: # netstate = True else: netstate = False return(netstate) ################# SubFunctions end and main thread functions start def mainloop(): #main loop looking for and handling UIDs from chips global taps_pending while True: uid_send = chipscan() if uid_send == "misread": negindication() elif uid_send == "no_chip": negindication() elif uid_send == "115771133000000": setexternalrtc() else: #lock.acquire() tap = ("uid"+uid_send+"timestamp"+time_calc()) taps_pending.append(tap) chiplog(tap) print(tap) del tap posindication() #lock.release() #wdt.feed() time.sleep(0.05) def checkpending(): #checks the unsent list and sends and unsent taps global taps_pending pybytes.start() time.sleep(5) pybytes.send_signal(3,"power on") while True: if network_check() == True: if len(taps_pending) > 0: print("Sending " + taps_pending[0]) pybytes.send_signal(1,taps_pending[0]) del taps_pending[0] time.sleep(1) elif minute_check() == "0"or minute_check() == "5": pybytes.send_ping_message() print("Ping Sent") time.sleep(70) #gc.collect() else: print("Sleeping with connection") #pybytes.send_signal(2,"sleeping with connection") time.sleep(1) gc.collect() elif network_check() == False: print("Disconnecting - no connection") pybytes.disconnect() time.sleep(60) print("Attempting to reconnect") pybytes.connect() time.sleep(10) pybytes.send_signal(2,"reconnected") else: print("Sleeping without connection") time.sleep(1) gc.collect() ################# main thread functions end #setup SD card sd = SD() os.mount(sd, "/sd") #setup buzzer using Pin buzzer = Pin('P10', mode=Pin.OUT) #tests buzzer using pin buzzer(True) time.sleep(1) buzzer(False) #setup LEDs using IO expander led = PCA9554(line=1, direction=0) #tests LED using IO expander led.set() time.sleep(1) led.reset() #wdt.feed() #feed timeout #clock setup rtc = RTC() #internal RTC module i2c = I2C(0, pins=('P22','P21')) #setup i2c interface ds = DS3231.DS3231(i2c) #establish connection to i2c clock #setup taps pending list and counter taps_pending = [] count = 0 #setup scan py = Pyscan() nfc = MFRC630(py) nfc.mfrc630_cmd_init() # Initialise the MFRC630 with some settings #wdt.feed() #feed timeout #setup thread lock lock = _thread.allocate_lock() #thread start _thread.start_new_thread(mainloop,()) _thread.start_new_thread(checkpending,())
There can be many reasons for a coredump (I think is what you are describing?). I tried to make a guide to help you debug the output yourself here: https://docs.pycom.io/advance/coredump/, but it is quite complicated and requires some experience. If you keep getting the same traceback in your coredump, I can check the cause for you if you can tell me the exact firmware you are using (incl Pybytes/ Pygate version). At this time Im unable to check your code as it requires some external components I dont have..You mention they are typically caused by this, so not always? We know it is possible for the LTE connection to drop, as the environment is constantly changing. We therefor advise to only connect to LTE when you need to send data, and then disconnect again.