Wipy 2.0 Fritzing Part

  • Hi i´m in the process to build a rollo shutter control with the wipy 2.0 and need to design a small pcb for all external components. Are there any existing fritzing or eagle parts of the wipy Board available?

    kind regards

  • @sledge That's true unfortunatelly for the "raw" Py boards also because they have no input number on the PCB also. ;-) And--it is really a bit dangerous--the old version had a 180° rotated label with the pycom writing. So in case you garb the first picutre you get on google it is the wrong, old one and you feed your Py on the wrong side and pins with power. Luckily all is still working but it could also go bad ...

    So yes, an "origin" fritzing part would be nice, but dealing with standard parts is better then waiting. ;-)

  • Thx for reply,

    i just got my pcb :)

    Indeed i used 2 rows of pinheader as dummy.



    Thats ok, you only have to be careful to wire pins correctly :)

  • Do you need the part for visualization also or only for the PCB fabrication? In case you need it only for the PCB it's very easy to make it by your own based on standard parts

    • take a rectangular PCB in the WiPy size or bigger--in case you want to have space for additional screw terminals or similar parts
    • take 2x a 14 pin pinheader and align it accordingly the WiPy, it's a standard breadboard distance of I think 8 rows.

  • @sledge
    Have you created one because I am looking for a fritzing part as well

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