Pygate as a LoRa Repeater

    Hi, can someone tell me if it is possible to use pygate configure for so mething that isnt a gateway? I haver a projecto where i AM trying to build a LoRa Repeater and it has very little informativo on the internet about this. Thanks you .'C CC C.

  • As I mentioned before, we make use of an adapted version of the Lora-net gateway stack:, if you look at our open source firmware, you'll find a folder called pygate where most of the driving code is: I dont know if such a compatible example exists for a lora repeater.

  • @robert-hh Hi, thank you again for your replys!
    I compreend what you are saying.
    Responding to your question: i was refearing to the pygate firmeware, i want to understand a bit more about whats preventing the pygate to receive and transmit via LoRa simultaneously, because i dont find any type of pygate example code besides the ones for implementing a gateway. To sum up, by pygate language i meant to refere the functions and code to program the pygate. After doing the LoPy4 firmeware upgrade from pybytes to pygate, the functions that i can use will be different, right? It is hard to find examples of people programing the pygate after this point besides for implementing a gateway..

    Regarding the global_conf.json file i want to configure the LoRa channels without having to give a gateway ID and a TCP connection, do you know how can i do that?

  • @Carolina-Pinho That was a mistake. The FiPy cannot be used as module on a Pygate, due to a conflict in pin usage. You might be able to run a second LoRa capable board and transfer the data between that board and the pygate by other means, like WiFi or Serial or SPI. Then this second board could operate as forwarder. But it is surely a difficult task.

    About your questions to @Gijs: The Pygate is physically capable to transmitting, and needs that to meet the LoraWan protocol specification. But that function is embedded in the protocol implementation and not accessible by a Python API.
    About Channels and WiFi. The gateway is .... a gateway, connection two different kind of networks: the LoRa Network and the TCP/IP network. It receives messages on the Lora side and forwards them to a host using TCP/IP and Internet. And the other way around, taking messages from the host received by TCP/IP and forwarding to the LoRa Nodes. The TCP/IP link can be made by WIFi, Wired Ethernet or LTE. For the TCP/IP side there is a config file (, and for the LoRa side too (global_conf.json). The 8 LoRa channels are used for LoRa only.
    Last not least: What do you mean with "Pygate language"?.

  • @robert-hh Hi, Thank you for the reply. Why did you say that with the fipy it was possible to use the pygate reciever and the fipy transmiter simultaneously? I didnt also understand why the lopy doesnt allow that. Can you help me?

  • @Gijs thank you for your reply.
    -You said that it is not possible to transmit LoRa with the pygate? We choose this component because we read that it had a dual SX1257 LoRa Transreciever with a SX1308 chip, why are you saying that now?

    Reading your reply some other questions came to my mind:
    -When i saw the example code of pygate it had a config file with the configuration of pygate' 8 channels. For that it was requiered an wi-fi connection. It is possible to configure or use the 8 channels with only LoRa connection?
    Also i didnt understood how to program the pygate as just a reciever or a transmitter only using LoRa, it only have 4/5 functions in pycom's documentation.
    -Seizing the opportunity: Do you know how to convert the pygate language to C/C++?

  • The Fipy is not supported in the Pygate due to pinconflicts with the LTE modem, LoRa radio and the pygate itself

  • @Gijs So if the inserted development module is a FiPy, you should be able to use that LoRa unit. Obviously one would have to avoid package feedback by re-relaying the relayed package again.

  • Sorry I was not thinking straight here, thanks for catching that.

    Assuming you want to use a LoRa-LoRa repeater:
    What I meant to say is that we currently have the firmware set up for the Pygate to receive LoRa packets and relay them to TTN / any LoRaWAN provider. The Pygate does indeed allow for the transmitting of LoRa packets back to the node, but it is currently not possible to use this functionality as a repeater. We're using the SX1308 LoRa chip on the gateway, with a modified version of this driver. It is currently not possible to use the LoRa radio of the Lopy4 simultaneously with the LoRa radio of the Pygate.

    The other part of my response focusses on the development module inserted. Depending on the type of repeating you want to do. If you're looking at LTE-LoRa, Ethernet-LoRa or WiFi-LoRa, this is possible.

  • @Gijs said in Pygate as a LoRa Repeater:

    To answer your question, the Pygate only has a LoRa receiver.

    So you're saying that the PyGate cannot handle downlink messages and OTAA join responses? Hard to believe.

  • Hi,
    To answer your question, the Pygate only has a LoRa receiver. Unfortunately, it is not possible to use the Lopy4's LoRa radio simultaneously to transmit any packets received on the Pygate in a repeater fashion.

    Though you could use a Gpy to transmit the packets over WiFi / LTE (NB-IoT or CAT-M1), or Lopy4 / Wipy and just use WiFi if that is what you're looking for.

    Let me know on what you're trying to achieve and maybe I can advise with that

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