Not able to connect to Pysense via Atom, VSCode or Putty.
I have upgraded the firmware of the PySense v1.1 as it is documented. Everything went smooth.
However I am not able to connect it via Atom or VsCode. The uploaded firmware is pysense_0.0.8. The Atom version is 1.55. This is how it hangs:Connecting to COM9...
How to debug from now on? How should I proceed?
OS: Windows 10
Atom Version: 1.55
PySense Version: 1.1
PyMakr Version: 2.1.9
@simon-tischler Re-flashing fixed the issue. Thank you very much.
had the same problem i was able to fix it by doing the following
- flash the board firmware again this time erasing/reseting everything (just check all checkboxes aboard erasing something ;) )
- After that the board did not blink anymore (so it must execute something else) during application mode
- Now i was able to connect with putty to the COM Port by using 115200 Baudrate (the default one did not work)
- Close Putty that was just for testing. back to VS Code i was now able to connect to the board after hitting one of the reset buttons on the board/extension (i don't know which one, i guess it is just important to reboot)
I tried a lot and nothing worked. but somehow this worked for me. i'm using windows 10, VS Code (atom will just work fine too i guess), pygate and WIPY.
Is it clear PySense board or you have some device on it like Wipy, Lopy, SiPy... ?
I ask because PySense is only expansion board to such devices.