Using SD Card for the Whole Project.

  • Hi,

    I am trying to implement a machine learning method on Pysense + LopY combo. I need to use Python libraries(e.g. Numpy, Scikit) that uses more a space than the flash memory, so I want to utilize SD card for that. I have several question that might help to achieve my task:

    • Can I use SD card as to manage the whole project? Currently upload & download via REPL is only using flash memory. I created a data.txt but I am not able to fetch it via REPL. Is there any ways to achieve these?
    • Can I create a lib folder (to upload python ML libraries) in SD card and use that instead of the lib folder that we upload to flash? Just achieving this might be adequate in my case.
      Note: The ML method is Isolation Forest. You are not actually training anything, so the TinyML is out of question, hence I just need more space to implement that.


  • @hakan-kayan An example of a copy function:

    import os
    def cp(s, t):
            if os.stat(t)[0] & 0x4000:  # is directory
                t = t.rstrip("/") + "/" + s
        except OSError:
        with open(s, "rb") as s:
            with open(t, "wb") as t:
                while True:
                    l =
                    if not l: break

    So can call that with:

    from cp import cp
    cp("source_name", "target_name")

    if target_name is a directory, the target name will be create as target_name/source_name. So you could use:
    cp("source_file", "/sd")
    If you want to copy more than one file at once, you have to create a loop.

  • @robert-hh

    Hi Robert, could you provide an example please?

  • @Matthew-Felgate-0 said in Using SD Card for the Whole Project.:


    Sorry no, that is not possible. You cannot move files between volumes by renaming. You have to copy them.

  • @Matthew-Felgate-0
    Thanks Mathew, I don't know how I missed print(os.listdir('/sd'))to be honest. I need some fresh air I guess.

    Regarding implementing Isolation Forest, for now it does not seem possible, as the library itself uses huge modules like Numpy. The discussion here also claims that is not possible import libraries like Numpy.

    I will be looking for a workaround, even though I am not very hopeful.

  • Global Moderator

    Hi Hakan

    In code, for example you would have to wrap it in a print statement:

    Let me know if this works.

    Writing files to SD card you can do manually by putting the SD card in your computer.

    You could upload files to the board, then use REPL to move them to the SD card with the rename command:


  • @hakan-kayan

    Update: I have tried with 32 GB SD card, the issue persists. The commands from is ignored, but via REPL, they are working.

  • Hi @livius. Thanks for quick answer.
    So I used the example given in Pycom documents and created text.txt file in the sd card.

    from machine import SD
    import os
    import sys
    #sd = SD()
    #os.mount(sd, '/sd')
    # check the content

    I commented os.mount() because it is already mounted. When I run this file via REPL, it does not show anything. However running os.listdir('/sd') from REPL console it outputs 'test.txt'.

    The firmware version is 1.20.2.r4. The SD card is 64 GB, FAT32. The document says it supports up to 32 GB, that might be the issue?

    Also regarding your answer, my guess is I should manually upload those libraries to SD card. There is no way to install via REPL.

  • @hakan-kayan
    Yes, you can import modules from sd card.

    first mount sd card

    from machine import SD
    import os
    import sys
    sd = SD()
    os.mount(sd, '/sd')

    now you must add sd card to search path


    and you are ready to import any module from it e.g.: your module is placed in sd card and its name is then you can import it like this

    import mysdcardfile

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