AttributeError: module 'sqnsupgrade' has no attribute 'run'

  • From the manual, to flash NB-IoT firmware:

    $ python3
    import sqnsupgrade'Serial_Port', '/path/to/upgdiff_old-to-new.dup')

    What happens in reality:'COM4', 'NB1-41019/NB1-41019.dup') 
    Traceback (most recent call last):  
    File "<stdin>", line 1, in <module> 
    AttributeError: module 'sqnsupgrade' has no attribute 'run'

  • Attribute errors in Python are generally raised when you try to access or call an attribute that a particular object type doesn't possess. It's simply because there is no attribute with the name you called, for that Object. This means that you got the error when the "module" does not contain the method you are calling. But it is evident that the method is there, which leads to believe that may be the method was added by you in the source code after you had already imported the file (module). Or, some times packages get deprecated and they rename some functions. If that is true, then you may want to exit and reimport the module once again to be able to access the new method .

    You can do it in another way to reimport the module with changes without having to exit the interpreter is to do the following:


    If you are using python 3.2 or 3.3 you should:

    import imp

    If running Python 3.4 and up, do import importlib, then do:

    import importlib

    The importlib.reload() method reload a previously imported module. The argument must be a module object, so it must have been successfully imported before .

  • Fix: for others running into this same issue. I didn't RTFM properly. You absolutely need to set your terminal inside the directory where is located with the other *.py files (on the PC side). Don't put them in a sub-directory. I found it weird that Python found the module, but not the function within the module. Probably because I'm too n00b though.

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