What is maximum number of sending payload at AS923?
Hello, I've tried to send sensor data using Lopy4 at AS923, I'm using Thethingstack network server and kerlink gateway. It can send maximum only 9 byte data at SF10, and then I check in lorawan airtime calculator (https://avbentem.github.io/airtime-calculator/ttn/as923/) the overhead size in lopy4 uplink is 15 byte.
.I've tried to send 2 payload at SF7 for each 1 hour and it is successfully received in network server and application server. and then I tried to send 10 payloads with 60 second each payload. ,
but after that the uplink from mylopy is can't be received in network server until waiting 5 hours. what caused this issue to happen?
@Gusti-Made-Arya-Wijaya I using downlink to trigger lopy4 to send payload data that saved in .txt file, here is the code
def new_req_log(self): try: print('fungsi new_req_log') downlink = self.dlink[2:] print(downlink) targetfile = downlink[:2] print(targetfile) targetmsg = downlink[2:] print(targetmsg) cari_tgl=(''.join(['{:02x}'.format(b) for b in targetfile])) print(cari_tgl) print('Request Log tanggal '+ cari_tgl) header = b"\xee" + targetfile[1:] print('selecting file') file_log = os.listdir('log') file_log.sort(reverse=True) c = 0 targeted = 0 for a in range(len(file_log)): c = c cari = file_log[a] target = cari[4:8] if target == cari_tgl: targeted = c c = c + 1 read_log_last = file_log[targeted] print(read_log_last) with open('log/' + read_log_last) as f: content = f.readlines() for n in range(len(targetmsg)): i = int.from_bytes(targetmsg[n:n+1], 'big') data = content[i].replace('FF04', 'FF05') # log data id log_data = ubinascii.unhexlify(data.replace('\n', '')) # convert string log to byte print(log_data) replaceHead = header + log_data[2:11] print(replaceHead) self.s.send(replaceHead) utime.sleep(60) except: print("downlink error")