Thermal print head for a parking management system based on Raspberry Pi pico and HMI
Materials to be used
2、FTP thermal printer head
4、Coin-operated machine
The control function is displayed on the serial screen, the main interface selects the floor, after entering the main interface selects the parking space, at the same time it will display the parking space number in the text box on the top right, then selects the stay time, it is two scrolling text selectors, then also the same will display the order information in the text box on the top right, according to the fixed unit price which multiplies with the stay time to get the total price. Then only when the parking space and the stay time are selected, you can go to the payment button, otherwise it is invalid. After entering the payment screen, a coin acceptor will be used. Then the screen will show the number of coins to be put in and the number of coins already put in. After the coins have been put in, a payment success message will be displayed. Then you can choose to print a small ticket to print the place number and time on the thermal paper.
I have design a circuit by myself in order to drive many components, and the overall circuit diagram is like this, the upper left corner is the communication socket and power supply socket, below there is a buzzer (not actually used in the circuit), there is a light-emitting diode on the right, and the lower right corner is a 30pin fpc for connecting the print head.
from machine import UART,Pin from time import sleep import _thread import rp2 from array import array import ascii_ku import speed_motor from os import uname #import sys uart1 = UART(0, baudrate = 115200, tx =Pin(0), rx = Pin(1)) floor1 = ['f', 'l', 'o', 'o', 'r','1'] floor2 = ['f', 'l', 'o', 'o', 'r','2'] floor3 = ['f', 'l', 'o', 'o', 'r','3'] button_cmd = [16,1] selector_cmd = [16,129] print(uname()[0]) delaytime = 0.0000001 # Printer clock delay coin = Pin(22, Pin.IN,Pin.PULL_UP) coin_num = 0 motor = speed_motor.motor_control(2, 3, 4, 5) # Initialize the printer's internal stepper motor pins, corresponding to the a+/a-/b+/b- of the stepper motor mov_bit = 0 PRINTER_DIN = Pin(20, Pin.OUT) PRINTER_CLK = Pin(19, Pin.OUT) PRINTER_LAT = Pin(18, Pin.OUT, Pin.PULL_UP) STB1 = Pin(6, Pin.OUT, Pin.PULL_DOWN) STB2 = Pin(7, Pin.OUT, Pin.PULL_DOWN) STB3 = Pin(8, Pin.OUT, Pin.PULL_DOWN) STB4 = Pin(9, Pin.OUT, Pin.PULL_DOWN) STB5 = Pin(14, Pin.OUT, Pin.PULL_DOWN) STB6 = Pin(15, Pin.OUT, Pin.PULL_DOWN) lock = _thread.allocate_lock() ascii_code = ascii_ku.ascii_code() # Importing an ascii character library # shuru = 'aa' # line_word = [] # for item in range(len(shuru)): # line_word.append(shuru[item]) # line_num = len(shuru) # bottom_line_num = len(shuru)% # global motor_speed = 0 # global line = 0 # if len(shuru) > 6: # motor_speed = len(shuru) % 6 # if (len(shuru) % 6) == 0: # motor_speed = 12 # else: # motor_speed = len(shuru) # # print(motor_speed) # # line = (len(shuru) // 12) + 1 # if (len(shuru) % 12) == 0: # line -= 1 lins = 0 supper = 0 slower = 0 danjia = 0 # _thread.start_new_thread(motor.run_stop, (0.005*motor_speed, 26*line)) # _thread.start_new_thread(motor.run_stop, (motor_speed, line)) # _thread.start_new_thread(motor.run_stop, (0.03, 56)) def pay(pay): global coin_num line_word = {'line_word1':['s','i','t','e',':','F','1','-','0'],'line_word2':['0','d','a','y','2','h','o','u','r'],'line_word3':['t','o','t','a','l',':','4','.','0'],'line_word4':['T','o','t','a','l',':','4','.','0']} line_wors = {'line_word1':['U','n','i','t',':','2','.','0','0'],'line_word2':['T','o','t','a','l',':','4','.','0'], 'line_word3':['U','n','i','t',':','2','.','0','0'],'line_word4':['T','o','t','a','l',':','5','.','0']} # line_word1 = ['S','i','t','e',':','F','1','-','0'] # line_word2 = ['1','D','a','y','1','H','o','u','r'] # line_word3 = ['U','n','i','t',':','2','.','0','0'] # line_word4 = ['T','o','t','a','l',':','5','.','0'] # line_word1[8]=str(pay[0]) # line_word2[0]=str(pay[1]) # line_word2[4]=str(pay[2]) # line_word4[6]=str(pay[3]) (line_word['line_word1'])[8]=str(pay[0]) # (line_word['line_word2'])[0]=str(pay[1]) # (line_word['line_word2'])[4]=str(pay[2]) # (line_word['line_word4'])[6]=str(pay[3]) sleep(1) uart1.write('ST<{"cmd_code":"set_value","type":"image_value","widget":"image_value4","value":'+str(pay[3])+'}>ET') # sleep(2) # print(line_word.get('line_word'+str(1))[0]) # print('zfdszfz',line_word) # sleep(2) # uart1.write('ST<{"cmd_code":"set_text","type":"edit","widget":"message5","text":"F1 - '+pay[0]+'"}>ET') # uart1.sendbreak() # sleep(1) # uart1.write('ST<{"cmd_code":"set_text","type":"edit","widget":"message6","text":"'+str(pay[1])+'"}>ET') # uart1.sendbreak() # sleep(1) # # uart1.write('ST<{"cmd_code":"set_text","type":"edit","widget":"message22","text":"'+str(pay[2])+'"}>ET') # uart1.write('ST<{"cmd_code":"set_text","type":"edit","widget":"message8","text":"'+str(pay[3])+'"}>ET') while True: if coin.value()==0: coin_num += 1 print("Number of coins deposited:",coin_num) sleep(0.1) uart1.write('ST<{"cmd_code":"set_value","type":"image_value","widget":"image_value2","value":'+str(coin_num)+'}>ET') if coin_num == pay[3]: uart1.write('ST<{"cmd_code":"set_visible","type":"widget","widget":"image37","visible":true}>ET') if uart1.any()>1: rx2 = [] data_name2 = '' bin_data = uart1.sendbreak() rx1 = list(bin_data) for item in rx1: rx2.append(chr(item)) print(rx2) if rx1[3:5:1] == button_cmd: data_name_len = rx1[6] - 1 data_name = rx2[7:data_name_len+6:1] data_name2 = ''.join(data_name) print(data_name2) if data_name2 == 'back': break elif data_name2 == 'print' and coin_num == pay[3] and rx1[13] == 2: data_name2='' _thread.start_new_thread(motor.run_stop, (9, 4)) for iii in range(1,3): for linss in range(32): supper=slower=0 for lins in range(9): # temp_list=ascii_code.code.get(('line_word'+str(iii))[lins]) # print(temp_list,type(temp_list)) if (line_word.get('line_word'+str(iii))[lins]).islower(): word_size24 (ascii_code.code.get(line_word.get('line_word'+str(iii))[lins]), linss%32, lins%12, supper, slower) slower += 1 else: last_word_size32 (ascii_code.code.get(line_word.get('line_word'+str(iii))[lins]), linss%32, lins%12, supper, slower) supper += 1 sleep(6) # for iii in range(1,2): # for linss in range(32): # supper=slower=0 # for lins in range(9): # # temp_list=ascii_code.code.get(('line_word'+str(iii))[lins]) # # print(temp_list,type(temp_list)) # if (line_wors.get('line_word'+str(iii))[lins]).islower(): # word_size24 (ascii_code.code.get(line_wors.get('line_word'+str(iii))[lins]), linss%32, lins%12, supper, slower) # slower += 1 # else: # last_word_size32 (ascii_code.code.get(line_wors.get('line_word'+str(iii))[lins]), linss%32, lins%12, supper, slower) # supper += 1 # sleep(6) # for iii in range(1,2): # for linss in range(32): # supper=slower=0 # for lins in range(9): # # temp_list=ascii_code.code.get(('line_word'+str(iii))[lins]) # # print(temp_list,type(temp_list)) # if (line_wors.get('line_word'+str(iii))[lins]).islower(): # word_size24 (ascii_code.code.get(line_wors.get('line_word'+str(iii))[lins]), linss%32, lins%12, supper, slower) # slower += 1 # else: # last_word_size32 (ascii_code.code.get(line_wors.get('line_word'+str(iii))[lins]), linss%32, lins%12, supper, slower) # supper += 1 def floor1def(): day_jia = 0 hour_jia = 0 day_flag = False hour_flag = False price_flag = False posltion = False zongjia = 0 pay1 = [0,0,0,0] print("floor1 now") # uart1.write('ST<{"cmd_code":"set_text","type":"edit","widget":"message3","text":"2.00$/H"}>ET') uart1.sendbreak() while True: if uart1.any()>1: rx2 = [] data_name2 = '' bin_data = uart1.sendbreak() rx1 = list(bin_data) for item in rx1: rx2.append(chr(item)) print(rx2) if rx1[3:5:1] == button_cmd: data_name_len = rx1[6] - 1 data_name = rx2[7:data_name_len+6:1] data_name2 = ''.join(data_name) print(data_name2) if data_name2 == 'back': break elif data_name2 == 'position': posltion = True pay1[0]=rx2[15] write1(rx2[15]) elif data_name2 == 'pay' and posltion and price_flag: uart1.write('ST<{"cmd_code":"open_win","type":"window","widget":"window7"}>ET') pay(pay1) # if data_name2 == 'pay' and posltion = True and (day_flag or hour_flag): # posltion = True # uart1.write('ST<{"cmd_code":"open_win","type":"window","widget":"window7"}>ET') if rx1[3:5:1] == selector_cmd: data_name_len = rx1[6] - 4 data_name = rx2[7:data_name_len+7:1] data_name2 = ''.join(data_name) print(data_name2) if data_name2 == 'time_day1': pay1[1]=rx2[19] write2(ord(rx2[19])) day_jia = ord(rx2[19]) day_flag = True elif data_name2 == 'time_hour1': pay1[2]=rx2[20] write3(ord(rx2[20])) hour_jia = ord(rx2[20]) hour_flag = True if hour_flag or day_flag: price_flag = True zongjia = (day_jia*48) + (hour_jia*2) pay1[3]=zongjia print(str(zongjia)) uart1.write('ST<{"cmd_code":"set_text","type":"edit","widget":"message4","text":"'+str(zongjia)+'"}>ET') hour_flag = day_flag = False def floor2def(): pass def floor3def(): pass def write1(num): #print(ss) for item in range(49,55): uart1.write('ST<{"cmd_code":"set_image","type":"image","widget":"image1_'+chr(item)+'","image":"nocar_bg"}>ET') uart1.write('ST<{"cmd_code":"set_image","type":"image","widget":"image1_'+num+'","image":"selectedcar_bg2"}>ET') uart1.write('ST<{"cmd_code":"set_text","type":"edit","widget":"message1","text":"F1 - '+num+'"}>ET') def write2(num): # danjia = 1 uart1.write('ST<{"cmd_code":"set_text","type":"edit","widget":"message2","text":"'+str(num)+'"}>ET') # if danjia == 1: # uart1.write('ST<{"cmd_code":"set_text","type":"edit","widget":"message3","text":"2.00$/H"}>ET') def write3(num): # danjia = 1 uart1.write('ST<{"cmd_code":"set_text","type":"edit","widget":"message22","text":"'+str(num)+'"}>ET') # if danjia == 1: # uart1.write('ST<{"cmd_code":"set_text","type":"edit","widget":"message3","text":"2.00$/H"}>ET') def last_word_size32 (word_line, linss, lins, supper, slower): for mov_bit in range((supper*32)+(slower*24)): PRINTER_CLK.value(0) sleep(delaytime) PRINTER_DIN.value(0) PRINTER_CLK.value(1) sleep(delaytime) for mov_bit in range(31, -1, -1): word_bit = (word_line[linss] >> mov_bit)&0b00000000000000000000000000000001 PRINTER_CLK.value(0) sleep(delaytime) PRINTER_DIN.value(word_bit) PRINTER_CLK.value(1) sleep(delaytime) for mov_bit in range(352-((supper*32)+(slower*24))): PRINTER_CLK.value(0) sleep(delaytime) PRINTER_DIN.value(0) PRINTER_CLK.value(1) sleep(delaytime) if (supper*32)+(slower*24) < 192: PRINTER_LAT.value(0) STB1.value(1) STB2.value(1) STB3.value(1) STB4.value(1) sleep(0.005) STB1.value(0) STB2.value(0) STB3.value(0) STB4.value(0) PRINTER_LAT.value(1) else: PRINTER_LAT.value(0) STB4.value(1) STB5.value(1) STB6.value(1) sleep(0.005) STB4.value(0) STB5.value(0) STB6.value(0) PRINTER_LAT.value(1) # PRINTER_LAT.value(0) # STB1.value(1) # STB2.value(1) # STB3.value(1) # STB4.value(1) # STB5.value(1) # STB6.value(1) # sleep(0.005) # STB1.value(0) # STB2.value(0) # STB3.value(0) # STB4.value(0) # STB5.value(0) # STB6.value(0) # PRINTER_LAT.value(1) def word_size24 (word_line, linss, lins, supper, slower): for mov_bit in range((supper*32)+(slower*24)): PRINTER_CLK.value(0) sleep(delaytime) PRINTER_DIN.value(0) PRINTER_CLK.value(1) sleep(delaytime) for mov_bit in range(23, -1, -1): word_bit = (word_line[linss] >> mov_bit)&0b000000000000000000000001 PRINTER_CLK.value(0) sleep(delaytime) PRINTER_DIN.value(word_bit) PRINTER_CLK.value(1) sleep(delaytime) for mov_bit in range(360-((supper*32)+(slower*24))): PRINTER_CLK.value(0) sleep(delaytime) PRINTER_DIN.value(0) PRINTER_CLK.value(1) sleep(delaytime) if (supper*32)+(slower*24) < 192: PRINTER_LAT.value(0) STB1.value(1) STB2.value(1) STB3.value(1) sleep(0.005) STB1.value(0) STB2.value(0) STB3.value(0) PRINTER_LAT.value(1) else: PRINTER_LAT.value(0) STB4.value(1) STB5.value(1) STB6.value(1) sleep(0.005) STB4.value(0) STB5.value(0) STB6.value(0) PRINTER_LAT.value(1) # PRINTER_LAT.value(0) # STB1.value(1) # STB2.value(1) # STB3.value(1) # STB4.value(1) # STB5.value(1) # STB6.value(1) # sleep(0.005) # STB1.value(0) # STB2.value(0) # STB3.value(0) # STB4.value(0) # STB5.value(0) # STB6.value(0) # PRINTER_LAT.value(1) while True: if uart1.any()>1: rx2 = [] data_name2 = '' bin_data = uart1.sendbreak() rx1 = list(bin_data) for item in rx1: rx2.append(chr(item)) print(rx2) if rx2[7:13:1] == floor1: floor1def() elif rx2[7:13:1] == floor2: floor2def() elif rx2[7:13:1] == floor3: floor3def() for linss in range(32): supper=slower=0 if linss < 32: for lins in range(len(line_word)): # if lins//12: # break if (line_word[lins].isupper() or line_word[lins].isdigit() or line_word[lins].isspace()): last_word_size32 (ascii_code.code.get(line_word[lins]), linss%32, lins%12, supper, slower) supper += 1 elif (line_word[lins].islower()): word_size24 (ascii_code.code.get(line_word[lins]), linss%32, lins%12, supper, slower) slower += 1 else: if linss == 32: sleep(5.8) for lins in range(motor_speed): if (line_word[lins].isupper()): last_word_size32 (ascii_code.code.get(line_word[12]), linss%32, lins%12, len(line_word)) # elif: # _thread.start_new_thread(motor.run_stop, (motor_speed, line)) # for linss in range(32): # for lins in range(len(line_word)): # if (line_word[lins].isupper()): # last_word_size32 (ascii_code.code.get(line_word[lins]), linss, lins, len(line_word)) line_word.clear()
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