PySense 2 Accelerometer sampling rate
Recently purchased a Lopy4 with a Pysense 2 to try to make measurements at 100Hz from the accelerometer included in the Pysense 2.
After several attempts I am stuck at about 26Hz. :(The Lopy4 is up to date with the latest firmware and I am using the latest version of with "ODR_100_HZ" ON.
On the other hand I can't update the Pysense 2 maybe it comes from there?Despite the many posts in the forum on the subject I can't find an "clear" answer to this question.
Below is the draft code I use (largely inspired by another post):
import time import pycom from pycoproc_1 import Pycoproc import machine import utime from machine import RTC from LIS2HH12 import LIS2HH12 pycom.heartbeat(False) py = Pycoproc(Pycoproc.PYSENSE) li = LIS2HH12(py) # RTC sync rtc = RTC() rtc.init((2021, 7, 23, 16, 10, 0, 0, 0)) utime.sleep_ms(250) print( ftime = datee = str(ftime[2]) + "/" + str(ftime[1]) + "/" + str(ftime[0]) print("Start of recording") t_end = time.time() + 1 TotalData=[] while time.time() < t_end: dataString = li.acceleration() ttime = timee = str(ttime[3]) + ":" + str(ttime[4]) + ":" + str(ttime[5]) fullData2 = datee + "," + timee + "," + str(dataString) TotalData.append(fullData2) print(fullData2) print("Length of Total Data is : ") print(len(TotalData)) pycom.rgbled(0x007f00) # green time.sleep(1) pycom.rgbled(False) print("Record is over")``` code_text
Thanks for your help.