Advertising data from 1 lopy, trying to read from another one
I want to communicate using bluetooth from one LoPy to another, one LoPy is the GATT server and the other one is the Central device. Problem is I can't connect my Central Device to my Gatt server.
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Here is the GATT server code :
And here is the Central device code :
And here is the Central device console :
I don't know why but the creation of the GATT service object isn't working.
Any suggestion?
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Can I have some news about my issue?
I don't know how to solve it !
This is a classic example of GATT server code and central device code
Here is the GATT server code fro the first lopy :from network import Bluetooth bluetooth = Bluetooth() bluetooth.set_advertisement(name='LoPy', service_uuid=b'1234567890123456') def conn_cb (bt_o): events = if events & Bluetooth.CLIENT_CONNECTED: print("Client connected") elif events & Bluetooth.CLIENT_DISCONNECTED: print("Client disconnected") bluetooth.callback(trigger=Bluetooth.CLIENT_CONNECTED | Bluetooth.CLIENT_DISCONNECTED, handler=conn_cb) bluetooth.advertise(True) srv1 = bluetooth.service(uuid=b'1234567890123456', isprimary=True) chr1 = srv1.characteristic(uuid=b'ab34567890123456', value=5) def char1_cb(chr): print("Write request with value = {}".format(chr.value())) char1_cb = chr1.callback(trigger=Bluetooth.CHAR_WRITE_EVENT, handler=char1_cb) srv2 = bluetooth.service(uuid=1234, isprimary=True) chr2 = srv2.characteristic(uuid=4567)
This is the code of the central device on the second LoPy :
from network import Bluetooth import time bt = Bluetooth() bt.start_scan(-1) while True: adv = bt.get_adv() if adv and bt.resolve_adv_data(, Bluetooth.ADV_NAME_CMPL) == 'Glucose': try: print('1') conn = bt.connect(adv.mac) print('2') services = print('3') for service in services: time.sleep(0.050) if type(service.uuid()) == bytes: print('Reading chars from service = {}'.format(service.uuid())) else: print('Reading chars from service = %x' % service.uuid()) chars = service.characteristics() for char in chars: if ( & Bluetooth.PROP_READ): print('char {} value = {}'.format(char.uuid(), conn.disconnect() break except: print("Error while connecting or reading from the BLE device") break else: time.sleep(0.050)
This is what I've acquired on the Central device consol after executing the two codes:
1 2 Error while connecting or reading from the BLE device
I don't know why but the connection is always closed, I can't connect my Central device to my Gatt server
Can you post your code as text please? It's really difficult to test and check as PNGs.
You can put it between a
Your code here
```block to keep the formatting.