GPL v3
Could some one of the core developers please comment on the following thread on MP regarding the choice of the GPL v3:
The issue here is: If I make a commercial product out of a pycom product running gpl v3 code I might be forced to relase my own python scripcs under gpl v3 as well.
I know, there are different opinions about wheather python scripts are "linked" or not but this is not the point. As Lysenko wrote in the linked form on MP:
"There is no authoritative case law on much of this as yet, but that just means (to contract lawyers) there is an unquantifiable litigation liability which is the same thing as playing Russian Roulette with at least one (but possibly all) chambers loaded."
So what are your solutions for someone who likes to sell a product based on a pycom product and running your gpl v3 firmware?
GPL has a specific source exclusion for System Libraries (otherwise you couldn't have GPL projects on closed source operating systems)
Hm, I think this does not just apply to the Expressif libraries. Since a while the firmware also contains binary blobs by Sigfox: Is that compatible with the GPLv3?
@daniel sorry to bring this topic up again: as I just realized, there are parts of the esp-idf which are closed source namely the wifi stack. To my understanding this puts you (pycom) or anyone using pycoms micropython under gpl v3 into big truble if someone will ask for the source (because you can't provide it...).
I don't care as I only intend to use genuine pycom modules (no gpl v3). However everyone else including pycom: good luck if someone claims the sources ...
@livius Good idea! Will do! Thanks Fred
Will be good if you write same text on that thread at:
@this.wiederkehr Hi,
Thank you for bringing this question to me!
We have revamped the GPL V3 licence to make it easier for you to build applications using Pycom boards WITHOUT having to share the code or indeed make the application source code available to others.
There is a comprehensive FAQ which can be found here: FAQ v2.2.pdf
In essence the rule is the following:
- For customers building an application using a Pycom Board: You can do what you want with the application and decide to close source / Open source. You do not need to share the code.
- For customers interested in ONLY using Pycom firmware on NON-Pycom boards then you can do so without requiring a license from Pycom however you will need to comply with the obligations of GPL V3 which means making the source code available etc. There are also some legal requirements around acknowledgements of other licensees whose firmware we have used such as Espressif, TI etc. Should a customer in this scenario choose to close source the application then that is possible however they must enter into a separate licence agreement with Pycom.
I hope that clarifies the licensing aspect however feel free to shoot over more questions etc.
Thanks Fred
Hi @this-wiederkehr,
I've asked Fred (CEO) to help answer this question for you, he should get back to you shortly! In the meantime, it might be worth having a look at this document, it might clear up some of your questions!