I tried with filezilla and I'm able to send files over FTP which is good enough to get me by. Not sure why atom/pymaker is having issues but I've got something that works. I'll count that as a win.
I have now moved back to the stable firmware release (1.18.2.r4) which appears to have solved the Guru Mediation errors, but I still have the original deepsleep issue.
Does anyone have any other ideas on this?
@robert-hh That worked! Thanks so much. Now that I re-read the documentation, this was clearly stated. Not sure how I overlooked it but thanks for helping a tired brain out.
Thank you for your replies.
@robert-hh : my FiPy is connected to PyTrack. I have no idea if PyTrack use FiPy's P2.
@jcaron : I would love to know about those cases (failed boot and similar situations) where RGB LED blinks. Actually, my question is about what other situations make the RGB LED to blink.
And it may be better to store the value in a variable instead of reading it all the time from the sensor.
Reading all the time is slower, consumes more power and combinations of red and blue values may be strange, when light changes inbetween the readings.
@invalidname Hi. Look I can;t be certain. There are a bunch of reasons intial connects seems to fail, so I am aggressive with watchdog, so I wouldn't see anything hang for more than 15seconds ;-) But I do see WDT triggered whilst performing an RTC sync occasionally.
Is something similar an issue for the PySense?
It does not seem to get out of sleep when on battery while on USB power it works fine.
Battery is for sure fully charged (4.2 v during charching, when connected 4.1V without charging)
What is the reason for "pull P8 (G15) high"?
Please note full advise is: "pull P8 (G15) high, and if you need the SD card, use a 10k pull-up"
Hey, have you solve your problem? I think I'm facing the same one, with the FiPy using dead socket. Sometimes it crashes, but sometimes I'm just stuck in a loop of "unreachable port" for instance. It happens for the RTC but also the MQTT.
@postbox Yes I did. I replaced the readall() with read() and it appears to work. I can show you exactly what I did when I get home. Right now I don't have access to it.