LoRaWan APB not working anymore with new firmware ?
hi all ,
i was using Apb mode on LoPy 1.6.1 with success .it's a private Lora with 2 differents gateways for test purpose , an IC880 + Rpi 3 and a MatchX gateway .
I dev a node.js script for decrypting and forwarding packet to server in REST (using lora-packet node library)
Hope solving a BT bug , i flashed one of my loppy to 1.7.9 and now transmitted packet can't be decryted anymore.
is there significant change in APB crypting from 1.6.1 to 1.7.9 ??
here is the difference beetween the two LoPy ( same code , same gateway )
any suggestions are welcome
Stéphane A.
Just released 1.7.9.b3 which solves the ABP issue. Apologies for this bug, we'll investigate why it was not picked up by our automatic tests.
cool , thank for the quick answer.
Fixed here: https://github.com/pycom/pycom-micropython-sigfox/commit/737dbac0396567c8656842fc4ec9e0cba56e3d40 will release new binaries in a few minutes.
I'm working on it. Will solve ASAP and report back shortly.
Thanks for the confirmation , will try to reverse to 1.7.8
I can confirm, updating from 1.7.8.b1 to 1.7.9.b2 encryption of uplink and download user payload fails with the same NwSKey/AppSKey key pairs with the same Network Server using ABP.
It is a bug in 1.7.9.b2
This post is deleted!
I'm not sure it is an official version as it was not yet announced.
two days last version :D
flashed with pycom firmware update
1.7.9? Isn' 1.7.8.b1 the latest official release?