Receive data on lopy through serial

  • @monersss The SD card does not care about binary or not. For the card, everything is binary. It is related to something else. And, as @crumble said and I also had given in my example: Do not open and close the file all the time. Put the with ... clause outside of the receive loop.
    Once you have done that, you need a proper way to tell, when you do not expect more data. Typically protocols have a kind of signaling mechanism for that purpose. If you transfer binary data as it is, that is a little bit tricky, because any byte is allowed in the data. I think I said that in my first response, that once the basic communication is working, you need a kind of protocol, such that both sides know what to do.

  • @crumble i will update my code. Meanwhile i am getting an error at open line, when i open file on flash everything works well, thus i believe it has to be something refering to SD card and writing in binary mode that brings an error

  • @monersss

    try to post your code with ``` ín the linbe above. I will never get it why people love languages with whitespace as block marks.

    I have no *Py to test your stuff at moment. I supose you get this error because you double close the file. The with statement shall close the file automatically at the end of the inner block. So you don't need the explicit close statement.

    Beside there are a few things which you better change:

    • Don't open and close your file inside the loop. This will be a huge performance issue. Open and close it outside the loop. Use flush() instead, if you fear too loose data.
    • Your file will contain only the data of the latest loop cycle. You open the file with 'wb' which will clear the file. Add an a, so the data will be appended at the end of the file
    • don't use readall() use a fix buffer size, otherwise you will sooner or later run into an out of memory exception.

  • @crumble heres the code:

    from machine import UART
    import pycom
    import time
    from machine import SD
    import os

    sd = SD()
    os.mount(sd, '/sd')

    uart = UART(1, baudrate=9600, timeout_chars=2000)
    while True:
    data = uart.readall()
    if data != None:
    with open('/sd/mydat','wb') as f:

    i am getting out OSErroR: Errno 5 EIO

  • write sd in lowercase and don't forget to mount your sd card

  • @robert-hh corrected and now i am storing data on flash, now I want to store it on SD, i have mounted SD card:

    , but when using:
    with open('/SD/mydat.txt','wb') as f:

    I am getting ENODEV error, how can I store data on SD?

  • @monersss The file operations in MicroPython follow the Python standard. So Option "wb" just tells to perform not translation of special bytes, like \n. The option w+b opens a file in binary mode for both reading and writing, just using "w" opens and trunctates a file.

    I'm a little bit surprised that by your changes the code now works. They should not make a difference, besides the data format.

    UART should exchange binary data, and that is what you need for jpg files.

  • @monersss said in Receive data on lopy through serial:

    I did not find wb option in open module

    Where have you looked for?
    For storing binary file you must use 'wb' or 'r+b' mode.
    'wb' for only writing or 'r+b' for writing and reading.

    and converting to str is not good concept here

  • @robert-hh problem solved, since i am sending to lopy a string in binary format i changed code a bit:

    uart = UART(1, baudrate=9600, timeout_chars=2000)
    while True:
    data = uart.readall()
    if data != None:
    with open('/flash/mydatitt' ,'w') as f:
    one code line: f.write(str(data)).

    What modification to the code I should do to be able to send and save jpg and txt files?
    PS Just to be 100% sure - UART uses binary format for the data transfer right? I did not find wb option in open module, so i have used w, is that correct or should i use wb or w +b ?

  • @monersss That's strange, especially since there is no line 12. Besides that, I would rearrange the lines, otherwise the content of the file would always be overwritten. I have not xxPy deviec here at the moment and cannot try these few lines.

    from machine import UART
    import pycom
    import time
    uart = UART(1, baudrate=9600, timeout_chars=2000)
    with open('/flash/'mydatittaa','wb') as f:
        while True:
            data = uart.readall()
            if data is not None:

    P.S.: Iy you include text in lines conatining three backquotes (```), they will be shown as code.

  • @livius Hello there, I have tried to write the data on several ways, but i am doing something wrong:
    from machine import UART
    import pycom
    import time

    uart = UART(1, baudrate=9600, timeout_chars=2000)
    while True:
    data = uart.readall()
    if data != None:
    with open('/flash/'mydatittaa','wb') as f:

    what i am getting back is invalid syntax data in line 12.

    What am I doing wrong? data is assigned to uartread, and the message that is send to lopy is a string in binary format..

  • @livius Thanks for help, I will try to implement it over this weekend.

  • @robert-hh That is not possible. Lopy will be connected to our custom built device in remote location collecting different data through sensors. Thus we can connect it only through serial to the collecting system and later use WiFi to send the data through lopy to another device where they will be stored.

  • @monersss You might also check if you can use ftp for your purpose, beause the pycom devices have a built-in ftp server, and Matlab may be able to send data through ftp.

  • @monersss Micropython supports the usual file operations. So you can open a file and write the received data to that file. Like:

    with open("mydata", "wb") as f:
        # receive data from uart

  • @monersss
    Yes, are allowed :)
    look at documentation about uart

    especially you can be interested in:


    then look at python docs about working with files:

    for jpg data you should use r+b mode in open method of the file

    e.g. (i wrote this sample without any testing if it is working)

    uart = UART(1, baudrate=9600)
    with open('/flash/myfile.dat', 'r+b') as f:
    	for i in range(0, 1000): #while True:
    		d = uart.readall()
    		if d:

    you must of course have some protocol implementing to know when to start writing to the file and when to finish it.

  • @livius @robert-hh i thought this is getting started forum so suprising questions are allowed.. I was searching the forum to find out how to store received data on lopy but did not find the answer.

  • @monersss
    The last question is reall surprising ;-)
    If you know how to recive data throught UART(i see that you succesfully retrive it) then how can you assume that e.g. jpg will be stored somwhere automatically?
    Especially that you retrive "data" from UART and reciving side do not know what data mean.
    You must "tell" what to do with data and especially what data really is :)

  • @robert-hh problem solved, the cause was pretty trivial, but I believe it may happen to a begginer... recieving did work, but since i was executing code only once without a loop, code was executed so fast that it was happening before I run python script to send any data.
    Now I would like to try sending txt or jpg to lopy, do I need to give it an information where to store it or this will happen automatically?

  • @monersss At the LoPy, just connect Tx and Rx (P3 and P4). The issue 'uart.write("some")' and then The should get, what was sent with write. The same for the PC side, where you connect Tx and RX of the USB/UART bridge, and then with ser.write() and
    If that is successful, then you know that both sides can send & receive. If one side fails, then you know where to look at.
    Edit: Did you verify that the USB/UART bridge works at 3.3V levels? Normally, they are configurable.

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