FTDI drivers with FiPy+PyTrack in Win 7
Has anyone managed to get the FTDI Drivers installed on Win 7 for Serial USB (UART) access to the Pycom device (in this casea FiPy+Pytrack)?I followed the instructions here: https://docs.pycom.io/chapter/toolsandfeatures/repl/serial.html
However, manually installing the drivers fails and I cannot establish a Serial connection to the device using PuTTY. It works however with Pymakr on Atom.
Thanks in advance.
The voltage and capacity are OK but it's the wrong connector, you want a JST PH-2 (also check the polarity as there is no standard)For Germany perhaps check out these two from HobbyKing: (the higher capacity 2000mAh is cheaper as it's on sale, but see dimensions etc)
@robert-hh No, the same COM port showed up after a few tries. Its probably an OS or cable issue..
I'm considering getting a LiPo battery 3.7V for powering the PyTrack+FiPy and accessing the device over WLAN. Would this battery be ok for that purpose: https://www.conrad.de/de/modellbau-akkupack-lipo-37-v-600-mah-zellen-zahl-1-30-c-tattu-stick-molex-stecksystem-1542426.html
@sandipg Soft reset and COM device visibility are not related at all. But when you say re-plug USB, it means that you also unplugged it, which may windows cause to assign a different COM port on re-plugging, especially when you use a different USB socket. Did by chance now a new COM port show up?
I did a soft reset via the Serial connection by pressing Ctrl+D. Now, when I plug back the USB, the COM port is no longer visible. Any ideas on this?
@robert-hh Hmm..it worked with 115200 baud rate. Thanks!
@sandipg the baud rate should be 115200, but may be not matter. In any case, 115200 is a good choice.
@robert-hh Not at first, but I tried now with Flow control set to 'None' - still no connection..
Parity is set to None, Baud rate is 9600, Data bits 8, Stop bits 1.
@sandipg Did you disable flow control in Putty?
Hey @jmarcelino ,
I've installed the PyTrack driver already - I see the COM port when the PyTrack is connected. However I am unable to establish a serial connection to the board (with PuTTY).
Thanks for your help.
@jmarcelino, I have a Pytrack which seems okay (installed pytrack_0.0.8.dfu succesfully), but my Pysense never appears in my Device Manger (installed pysense_0.0.8.dfu with apparent success using the command window method). The Pysense, however, seems to be stone-cold dead!
I'll give this a rest until the new year, but will probably be back with my problems on jan.2nd 2018.
Until then, I wish you a happy new year!
Hi @halli50
The inf file should be enough, just follow the steps illustrated under "Installation" on that pageHope it helps!
This advice is incomplete: For example, the "Pytrack/Pysense Driver" link at the beginning of the web page only downloads a pycom.inf text file, there is no .zip file with drivers to unpack.
Any further advice?
Hi @sandipg
The Pytrack - unlike the Expansion Board 2 - doesn't use an FTDI chip.
For Windows 7 you'll need to install the Pytrack driver as detailed here: https://docs.pycom.io/chapter/pytrackpysense/installation/drivers.html
It should work with this one.