Easy Way to Tell what Expansion Board is in Use ?
Is there an easy way to tell which board is in use
for example i can run sys.platform which gives me FiPy etc
What I am thinking
Common Libraries for both
Main.py figures out which expansion board it is and then instantiates the relevant python file and runs the code
Have to program 14 boards which are a mix of pysense and pytracks and was trying to do it in a lazy way
the hacky way could be to try an I2C address and see if there is a response but if there is a built in method it would be nicer
@livius -- thanks so much
code i used is below
from pycoproc import Pycoproc
expansion_identififer = Pycoproc()
expansion_identififer.read_product_id()looks like:
Pysense product_id = 61458
Pytrack product_id = 61459I also inserted the Pysense example code after and it runs with no issues which is what I wanted.
Hi, i did not tried self but try this
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