SSL Connection to AWS IoT from ESP8266(Micropython)
Re: Q: ussl usage for https - problem
Hello @daniel,
I have checked following project regarding to make SSL connection to AWS_IOT
Unfortunately, I am also receiving following error ::
|Error in mqtt connect: [Exception] TypeError: extra keyword arguments given.|Problem is caused by ussl.wrap_socket(...) function in ussl;
addr = socket.getaddrinfo(self.server, self.port)[0][-1] self.sock.connect(addr) if self.ssl: import ussl self.sock = ussl.wrap_socket(self.sock, **self.ssl_params) /*i have also moved lines here and tried but it did not help*/ //addr = socket.getaddrinfo(self.server, self.port)[0][-1] //self.sock.connect(addr)
My settings in as follows.
MQTT_CLIENT_ID = "23876283476233" MQTT_HOST = "" MQTT_PORT = 8883 client = MQTTClient(client_id=MQTT_CLIENT_ID, server=MQTT_HOST, port=MQTT_PORT, keepalive=10000, ssl=True, ssl_params={"certfile":"/flash/cert/deviceCertAndCACert.pem", "keyfile":"/flash/cert/deviceCert.key", "ca_certs":"/flash/cert/root.pem"})
(With these 2 certs and key, i am successfully connecting to AWS IoT from MQTT.fx)
if it is possible to make secure SSL connection to AWS IoT from micropython on ESP8266, I will be glad if you can let me know your guidance regarding to this issue.
you must modifyesp_get_revision
- i do not have guide but on the forum you can find such posted by
Dear @livius , is there some guide to upload custom pycom firmware to ESP-WRoom-32 board? Because you have mentioned that it is necessary to adjust chip revision. I will be glad if you let me know about some guide to flash my board with pycom firmware. Thanks...
sysname='esp32', nodename='esp32',
then you are on the wrong forum, for this device better go to micropython forum
is it possible to update it with pycom firmware
it is possible to flash it with custom pycom firmware
i say custom because you must modify firmware first, especially about chip revision.
@livius, i am using oem esp32, is it possible to update it with pycom firmware update?
I have tried but it has not been updated
You must update the firmware first. have
but current is1.15
and frozen mqt go with1.10
OS Info as follows;
(sysname='esp32', nodename='esp32', release='1.9.3', version='v1.9.3-286-gbbb08431 on 2018-02-09', machine='ESP32 module with ESP32')
@sunrise17 said in SSL Connection to AWS IoT from ESP8266(Micropython):
it come with pycom firmware
what firmware version do you have?import os os.uname()
@livius Yes i have tried it also but after i got this error i have left it. "ImportError: no module named 'MQTTClient''. Because mqtt lib is not coming with Esp32 Firmware in default.
I do not know and becouse of that try first internal one.
Remove all mqt files from your flash and do simplefrom MQTTClient import MQTTClient
and use it then
Dear @livius i have downloaded from following link below and added file into my board.
I have imported library as follows;from simple import MQTTClient
Error as follows;
(2378) wifi: connected with ASUS_5G_2.4G_EXT, channel 4 (2378) network: event 4 (3268) event: sta ip:, mask:, gw: (3268) network: GOT_IP (5098) wifi: pm start, type:0 Error in mqtt connect: [Exception] TypeError: extra keyword arguments given Mqtt Broker connected Error in mqtt connect: [Exception] TypeError: extra keyword arguments given Mqtt Broker connected Error in mqtt connect: [Exception] TypeError: extra keyword arguments given Mqtt Broker connected Error in mqtt connect: [Exception] TypeError: extra keyword arguments given Mqtt Broker connected Error in mqtt connect: [Exception] TypeError: extra keyword arguments given Mqtt Broker connected Error in mqtt connect: [Exception] TypeError: extra keyword arguments given Mqtt Broker connected Error in mqtt connect: [Exception] TypeError: extra keyword arguments given Mqtt Broker connected Error in mqtt connect: [Exception] TypeError: extra keyword arguments given Mqtt Broker connected Error in mqtt connect: [Exception] OSError: 23 Mqtt Broker connected Error in mqtt connect: [Exception] OSError: 23 Mqtt Broker connected
Do you have any idea about this error, why it could be happened?
It looks really different
try to remove all MQT files from card and use internal one.internal files are already on your device as frozen modules.
@livius Thanks for your quick response, you can find complete code of where i get the
I do not suppose that this is releated because you get error onwrap_socket
but from where do you
I ask because it is now in frozen modules - try removing MQT releated files from flash and try again
@livius Today, i have received ESP32 but still i am getting same error as "Error in mqtt connect: [Exception] TypeError: extra keyword arguments given". print(self.ssl_params) in is printing as i expected. I have not understood the issue??
Code in;
KEY_PATH = "/flash/cert/deviceCert.key" CERT_PATH = "/flash/cert/deviceCertAndCACert.pem" CACERT_PATH = "/flash/cert/root.pem" MQTT_HOST = "" MQTT_CLIENT_ID = "23876283476233" client = MQTTClient(client_id=MQTT_CLIENT_ID, server=MQTT_HOST, port=MQTT_PORT, keepalive=10000, ssl=True, ssl_params={"keyfile":KEY_PATH, "certfile":CERT_PATH, "ca_certs":CACERT_PATH})
Code in;
def connect(self, clean_session=True): self.sock = socket.socket() addr = socket.getaddrinfo(self.server, self.port)[0][-1] self.sock.connect(addr) # print(self.ssl_params) // it prints: {'keyfile': '/flash/cert/deviceCert.key', 'certfile': '/flash/cert/deviceCertAndCACert.pem', 'ca_certs': '/flash/cert/root.pem'} if self.ssl: import ussl self.sock = ussl.wrap_socket(self.sock, **self.ssl_params) premsg = bytearray(b"\x10\0\0\0\0\0") msg = bytearray(b"\x04MQTT\x04\x02\0\0") ...
Dear @livius, i have some switches based on ESP8266 in my hand, that's why i wanted to apply on them. As i see that some guys could handle it, that's why i wanted to try. If MicroPython (ESP8266) library consists ussl, it should work without an issue.
Only this warning made me anxious in according to Ussl module.
"Some implementations of ussl module do NOT validate server certificates, which makes an SSL connection established prone to man-in-the-middle attacks."
Hi @seb, i have added print(self.ssl_params) and you can see following debug; I did not stop running program in that point, it continued and go on giving same error.
{'keyfile': '/flash/cert/deviceCert.key', 'certfile': '/flash/cert/deviceCertAndCACert.pem', 'ca_certs': '/flash/cert/root.pem'}
Error in mqtt connect: [Exception] TypeError: extra keyword arguments given
why are you talking aboutESP8266
Could you show us the contents of
by addingprint(self.ssl_params)
on the line before the call towrap_socket
. That error message implies that there are extra fields that don't match the function as documented here: