Send data Lopy to LoPy via BLE
Re: Send data WiPy to LoPy via BLE
I try found out how to send data between the devices...
this is the code I have now:#from network import LoRa from network import Bluetooth import machine import socket import pycom import binascii import network from network import WLAN from machine import RTC bluetooth = Bluetooth() bluetooth.set_advertisement(name="stefan", manufacturer_data="lopy_v1") bluetooth.start_scan(-1) #Change to 10 to have it searching for 10 sec instead if forever adv = None while True: adv = bluetooth.get_adv() if adv and bluetooth.resolve_adv_data(, Bluetooth.ADV_NAME_CMPL) == 'LoPy': try: bluetooth.connect(adv.mac) print(bluetooth.resolve_adv_data(, Bluetooth.ADV_APPEARANCE)) print("Connected to device with addr = {}".format(binascii.hexlify(adv.mac))) #bluetooth.connect(adv.mac) pycom.heartbeat(False) for cycles in range(1): # stop after 1 cycles pycom.rgbled(0x000080) # blue time.sleep(0.5) pycom.rgbled(0x000000) # blue time.sleep(0.5) pycom.rgbled(0x000080) # blue time.sleep(0.5) pycom.rgbled(0x000000) # blue print(bluetooth.resolve_adv_data(, Bluetooth.ADV_APPEARANCE)) except: #start scanning again bluetooth.start_scan(5) continue break else: if adv != None: print('Hej') def conn_cb (bt_o): events = if events & Bluetooth.CLIENT_CONNECTED: print("Client connected") elif events & Bluetooth.CLIENT_DISCONNECTED: print("Client disconnected") bluetooth.callback(trigger=Bluetooth.CLIENT_CONNECTED | Bluetooth.CLIENT_DISCONNECTED, handler=conn_cb) bluetooth.advertise(True) srv1 = bluetooth.service(uuid=b'1234567890123456', isprimary=True) chr1 = srv1.characteristic(uuid=b'ab34567890123456', value=5) char1_read_counter = 0 def char1_cb_handler(chr): global char1_read_counter char1_read_counter += 1 events = if events & Bluetooth.CHAR_WRITE_EVENT: print("Write request with value = {}".format(chr.value())) print('1') else: if char1_read_counter < 3: print('Read request on char 1') print('2') else: return 'ABC DEF' print('3') char1_cb = chr1.callback(trigger=Bluetooth.CHAR_WRITE_EVENT | Bluetooth.CHAR_READ_EVENT, handler=char1_cb_handler) srv2 = bluetooth.service(uuid=1234, isprimary=True) chr2 = srv2.characteristic(uuid=4567, value=0x1234) char2_read_counter = 0xF0 def char2_cb_handler(chr): global char2_read_counter char2_read_counter += 1 if char2_read_counter > 0xF1: return char2_read_counter char2_cb = chr2.callback(trigger=Bluetooth.CHAR_READ_EVENT, handler=char2_cb_handler) print('4')
I was thinking if it had do to with this one:
@stefan85e Looks like @seb made the edit for you in the meantime.
@jcaron what do you mean!?
@stefan85e Please edit your post and add ``` on separate lines before and after your code so it is properly formatted.