General LoPy + Pytrack Sleep Questions

  • Greetings!

    I have a few questions regarding the LoPy with Pytrack expansion board and the sleep functions.

    1. Does the the py = pytrack() and sleep functions sleep the whole system (or just the LoPy for example)? See example code.
    2. Is there a deepsleep for pytrack? Example code intended for the pytrack expansion/ only seems to show just sleep.
    3. How does that function differ from machine.sleep() or machine.deepsleep() from microPython?
    4. Is there an easier way to debug/stop the running code that has sleep functions in it? Such as stopping the example code below? When I program the chip it can be very hard to stop the system with CTRL+C and re-flashing it to be able to access the file system again? Same thing with see print statements. I know when it sleeps it shuts down the UART so it has to reconnect almost instantly to see the outputs, correct?

    Example Code.

    from pytrack import Pytrack
    from L76GNSS import L76GNSS
    import time
    import pycoproc
    import pycom
    py = Pytrack()
    l76 = L76GNSS()
    pycom.rgbled(0xff0000) # red
    print("Wakeup reason: " + str(py.get_wake_reason()))
    #print("Approximate sleep remaining: " + str(py.get_sleep_remaining()) + " sec")
    pycom.rgbled(0x0000ff) # blue

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