Best way to not block uploads from Atom
Hi world,
I am using Atom/USB to upload code to my Wipy 3.0. Everything works fine except when my code is sleeping (which is pretty frequent), during which the upload attempt times out.
I have tried with the following sleep function but the result is the same:
def sleep(dur): timeRemaining = math.ceil(1000000.0 * dur) start = time.ticks_us() while time.ticks_diff(start, time.ticks_us()) < timeRemaining: machine.idle()
Does anyone have any better ideas?
@xykon Thanks. Even if I'm a little bit self-confident, please give it a second thought and a second test.
@robert-hh said in Best way to not block uploads from Atom:
And why hardwired and not configurable?
I just talked to Daniel I'm merging your PR into our private repo now so hopefully we'll have this in the next release.
@blindman2k I guess @seb is talking about the pymakr plug-in fo Atom and VSC. And also I guess the new "feature" is forcing a safe boot with Ctrl-F. Why the hell Ctrl-F? And why hardwired and not configurable?
I thought pymakr was obsolete and atom was the new editor of choice.
There is a new feature in pymakr to do a safeboot before each upload, this really helps reduce issues like this