fipy connecting to BME680 sensor
Hello, I'm connecting a fipy to a Bosch BME680 sensor through I2C. Is there any library in python available for this communication? Could you please, point me in the right direction?
Thank you very much for your help,
Later I realized I needed to download the pycom libraries in There was the mqtt lib and now it works. Isn't this supposed to be in the online documentation?
Thank you.
@pas Have you tried following the pymakr project setup exactly:
It seems you have more files/folders in your "project" than specified in the documentation.
When I used another PC the sync function worked and I could upload the code with the libraries. The code worked printing temperature, humidity, pressure after I removed the mqtt library though. It seems the fipy firmware does not recognizes the mosquito code. Also, Atom, still, does not show the name of the project in the plugin.
Thank you,
Can you post your project structure (or a screenshot of Atom) please?Usually the problem is if you open the parent folder by mistake
@jmarcelino Thank you very much. I'm having a problem with Atom though. I use Open Folder and the pycom plugin doesn't recognize the project. And of course if I try to run in the simple-readout folder it doesn't recognize the bme680 class.
Am I forgetting something?
I believe this library from @robmarkcole works: