Error when uploading to LoPy4

  • It's been a few week that i can't upload anything anymore on my 2 LoPy4, i use expansion board 3.0, can't deal with the update for the expansion board(i'm on windows) but i updated the LoPy4 to the last firmware, and it solved nothing. I can run progs and it works well, but when i try to upload some, although it's saying "upload done", nothing happen.

    Could you help me a little bit ?

    Here is the upload msg and the error

    text alternatif

    i work on Visual Studio Code, with the plugin PyMakr

    Thanks in advance.

  • The file is called, and it always was, so i don't think it can be it. I have a project created, and all the file are inside, i can access it through windows explorer as well, for the code, i can explain it, and post a screen about it if you want.

    I use the internal RTC (even if i can't update the time, i can initialise it and do something when X date is reached, even if there is no save if the system is not alimented anymore, that's enough for me) i also use an analogic pin for taking a battery pourcentage, and i send a message when a pin receive something.

    If you really want all the code here it is

    from network import Sigfox
    from machine import Pin
    from machine import RTC
    import pycom
    import socket
    import machine
    import time
    class ComSigFox:
        msg = ""
        localisation = ""
        socket = ""
        Etat = ""
        tailleManquante = 0
        Compteur = 0
        def __init__(self):
            # Initialise SigFox en Europe (RCZ1)
            localisation = Sigfox(mode=Sigfox.SIGFOX, rcz=Sigfox.RCZ1)
        def sendMsg(self, paramMsg):
            pycom.rgbled(0x007f00) # vert
            # Créer un socket SigFox
            s = socket.socket(socket.AF_SIGFOX, socket.SOCK_RAW)
            # Bloque le socket
            # Configure le socket en Uplink seulement (False / True)
            s.setsockopt(socket.SOL_SIGFOX, socket.SO_RX, False)
            msg = paramMsg
            msg += " %"
            if((len(msg) ) < 5 ):      # Si le message fait en dessous de 5 caractères
                tailleManquante = 5 - (len(msg))
                for Compteur in range(tailleManquante):
                    msg = msg + " "
                    # On rajoute des espaces autant de fois
                    # Que nécessaire pour avoir 5 caractères
            Etat = "Close"
            if(Etat == "Open"):
                Etat = "Open "
            msg = msg + Etat
            return True
    class Batterie:
        Voltage = 0
        Charge = 0
        def __init__(self):
        def getBattery(self):
            adc = machine.ADC(bits = 10)             # create an ADC object
            apin ='P20', attn = machine.ADC.ATTN_11DB)   # create an analog pin on P20
            i = 0
            MoyenneVolt = 0
            for i in range(1,50):
                val = apin() - 698
                Mesure = (val / 1024) * 5
                MoyenneVolt += Mesure
            Voltage = MoyenneVolt / 49
            # Condition tension avec équation 0 - 10% de charge
            if(Voltage >= 1.32496 and Voltage <= 1.41429):
                Charge = (429.71806 * pow(Voltage,2)) - (1065.15152 * Voltage) + 656.90476
           # Condition tension avec équation 10 - 30% de charge
            if(Voltage > 1.41429 and Voltage <= 1.45895):
                Charge = (404108.59608 * pow(Voltage,3)) - (1741647.28089 * pow(Voltage,2)) + (2502325.58922 * Voltage) - 1198510
            # Condition tension avec équation 30 - 60% de charge
            if(Voltage > 1.45895 and Voltage <= 1.52594):
                Charge = (540257.28470 * pow(Voltage,4)) - (3000615.37231 * pow(Voltage,3)) + (6220087.42278 * pow(Voltage,2)) - (5699263.94063 * Voltage) + 1945763.58460
            # Condition tension avec équation 60  - 100% de charge
            if(Voltage > 1.52594 and Voltage <= 1.58921):
                Charge = (348000.83082 * pow(Voltage,3)) - (1629386.97406 * pow(Voltage,2)) + (2543268.59982 * Voltage) - 1323295.17637
            Charge = int(round(Charge,0))
            # La fonction int() n'arrondit pas, elle ne fait que tronquer, ainsi, il faut faire un int de l'arrondi qui seras par exemple
            # 49.0, le résultat seras donc le nombre 49.
            return Charge
    class HorlogeRTC:
        rtc = 0
        Date = 0
        stringHeureDate = ""
        stringMinutesDate = ""
        stringSecondesDate = ""
        intHeureDate = 0
        intMinuteDate = 0
        intSecondesDate = 0
        HeureSouhaite = 0
        MinuteSouhaite = 0
        SecondeSouhaite = 0
        HeureFinal = 0
        MinuteFinal = 0
        SecondeFinal = 0
        TempsTotalAttente = 0
        def __init__(self):
            rtc = RTC()
            rtc.init((2018, 5 , 16 , 17, 19, 50, 0 ))
            # rtc.init(Année , mois , jours , heures , minutes, secondes, millisecondes)
        def getTime(self):
            Date = RTC().now()
            return Date
        def CalcTime(self,Date):
            Jour = False
            stringHeureDate = Date[3]
            stringMinutesDate = Date[4]
            stringSecondesDate = Date[5]
            s_intHeureDate = int(stringHeureDate) * 3600
            s_intMinutesDate = int(stringMinutesDate) * 60
            s_intSecondesDate = int(stringSecondesDate)
            s_TempsTotalActuel = s_intHeureDate + s_intMinutesDate + s_intSecondesDate
            HeureSouhaite = 17 * 3600
            MinuteSouhaite = 20 * 60
            SecondeSouhaite = 10
            s_TempsTotalSouhaite = HeureSouhaite + MinuteSouhaite + SecondeSouhaite
            # TempsTotalAttente en seconde
            if(s_TempsTotalSouhaite < s_TempsTotalActuel):
                TempsTotalAttente = (s_TempsTotalSouhaite - s_TempsTotalActuel) * -1
                TempsTotalAttente = s_TempsTotalSouhaite - s_TempsTotalActuel
            if(Jour == False):
                Jour == True
                return TempsTotalAttente
            elif(Jour == True):
                return 86400 + TempsTotalAttente
    def TempoVerifMesure(TempsRestantHorlogeParam):
        Max = 0
        Diviseur = 0
        TempsAttenteBoucle = str(TempsRestantHorlogeParam)
        if(len(str(TempsAttenteBoucle)) == 5):
            Diviseur = 10000
            TempsAttenteBoucle = int(TempsRestantHorlogeParam) / Diviseur
        if(len(str(TempsAttenteBoucle)) == 4):
            Diviseur = 1000
            TempsAttenteBoucle = int(TempsRestantHorlogeParam) / Diviseur
        if(len(str(TempsAttenteBoucle)) == 3):
            Diviseur = 100
            TempsAttenteBoucle = int(TempsRestantHorlogeParam) / Diviseur
        if(len(str(TempsAttenteBoucle)) == 2):
            Diviseur = 10
            TempsAttenteBoucle = int(TempsRestantHorlogeParam) / Diviseur
        #Pin de l'ILS
        #ILS = Pin('P23',mode=Pin.IN,pull=Pin.PULL_UP)
        Max = Diviseur
        pycom.rgbled(0x7f0000) # red
        for i in range(0,Max,1):
            print("Tempo... {0}".format(Max))
            #if(ILS() == True):
            #    return True
        return True
    if __name__=="__main__":
        Horloge = HorlogeRTC() # On initialise la classe HorlogeRTC
        Battery = Batterie() # On initialise la classe Batterie
        SigFox = ComSigFox() # On initialise la classe ComSigFox
        while(True):  #Le programme tourne en permanance dans cette boucle
            envoiSigFox = False
            while(envoiSigFox == False): # Tant que le message SigFox n'est pas envoyé on boucle ici
                Date = Horloge.getTime() # On récupère la date
                TempsRestantHorloge = Horloge.CalcTime(Date) # On calcule le temps restants avant la date souhaite en secondes
                intCharge = Battery.getBattery()
                if(TempoVerifMesure(TempsRestantHorloge) == False): # Condition pour que le message SigFox s'envoie (Temporisation de TempsRestantHorloge + vérif ILS)
                    pycom.rgbled(0x7f7f00) # jaune
                    envoiSigFox = True

  • @luxior
    Do you have a project open in VSCode?

    Can you describe your project structure or perhaps post a screenshot of VSCode with your code open?

    It looks like the files are on the board already but if not called from they don't get run.


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