Wipy 3.0 consomme 6mA en DeepSleep
Bonjour à tous,
Rien qu'avec le code suivant, le Wipy 3.0 me consomme encore 6mA. Je suis loin des 120uA vue dans le forum ou de 19.6uA du datasheet.
import machine machine.deepsleep(10000)
Une explication ?
@gda45-78 Hi, don't you have loaded a back WLAN process on the board that consume too much ? (see your post 3 months ago in your profile).
I using only the lipo battery on VIN and GND pins on the breadboard.
It's a simple circuit.So, I tested with an other WiPy 3.0 and the current in deepsleep's mode is correct....
@gda45-78 How do you supply the device? By USB & expansion board: then the USB driver adds in.
Do you have an other circuits connected, that consume power?