Powerconsumption in SleepMode high.

  • Hi!
    I have measured my Lopy4 + Exp.v3 power consumption in sleep mode and I am surprised that I get 260uA at the battery connector. I am measuring with a Keithley DMM7510 over 10 seconds.

    Is there a way to lower the power consumtion to a min.?
    PS: I am using Lora and I am storing my join-data to the nvram... And the system can be woken up by two GPIOs.


  • @protonx
    Look at :
    "Conclusions to save power during deep sleep with Expansion Board :

    • it is important to use only TX/RX jumpers, or else we will have extra 0.06 mA;
    • large voltage values implies some extra (e.g., 0.02) mA;
    • avoid using uSD cards, because even just inserting a uSD card, not mounted, without open files before deep sleeping, there is an increase in deep sleep current, depending on the type of uSD, e. g., extra 0.21-0.24 mA for a 8GB uSD, extra 0.12-0.14 mA for a 32GB uSD."

  • At least for Gpy you need to wait longer. The first power drop is a few seconds after deepsleep(), the second power drop is about 120 seconds later.

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