Display SSD1306 with lopy4 doesn't work
I am trying to display something on an oled 1306 with lopy4, but it doesn't work.
I have try SPI with this librairie https://github.com/dmitryelj/LoPyI2CLCD.I have bought this piece on aliexpress: https://fr.aliexpress.com/item/1-3-inch-Blue-OLED-Module-SSD1106-Drive-IC-Compatible-with-SSD1306-IC-128-64-IIC/32655103082.html?spm=a2g0s.9042311.0.0.27426c37EFOTpR
Any idea of what could be wrong ?
f name == "main":
import sys, machine, osprint("Started") displayType = kDisplaySPI128x64 initialize(displayType) if isConnected(): set_contrast(255) # 1-255 displayOn() clearBuffer() addString(0, 0, sys.platform + " " + sys.version) addString(0, 1, "---") #addString(0, 2, "CPU: {} MHz".format(machine.freq()[0]/1000000)) #addString(0, 4, "Version: {}".format(os.uname().release)) addString(0, 5, "LoPy font test") addString(0, 6, "AaBbCcDdEeFfGgHhIi") addString(0, 7, "0123456789012345") drawBuffer() else: print("Error: LCD not found") print("Done")
@paul-thornton no error display on the console and the display does not show anything. I give up with this module.
@robert-hh , Yes I have check that the jumper is not soldered (spi mode). I did not work with your librarie as well, so give up and will order a new display.
Thanks for your help
@geda The device can be operate deither in SPI or I2C mode (soldered jumper at the back side). Did you check that it is SPI?
And it tells that it's a SSD1106 driver chip. I cannot find any data sheet for that. Could be an SH1106. For that one, I have a driver here, initially made for ESP8266. https://github.com/robert-hh/SH1106
Do you see any errors in the console?
Does yours "test" string print out ok?or Is it simply that it wont display anything on the screen