Expansion Board 3.1 not going into DFU-mode
I got the board into DFU-mode once and I tried to install libusbK through Zadig, but it failed and now I cannot get Zadig to pick the board up anymore. I think it is not going into DFU-mode anymore when I disconnect, hold the S1 button and reconnect.
Anyone know what I can do it get it back into DFU-mode so that I can install libusbK and finally update the firmware?
I have more expansion board 3.1's that I have not connected yet, is it possible for me to use them with a LoPy4 without updating the Expansion Board 3.1 firmware first?
@MJ1 If it shows up as COM port, then you can use it for your Pycom device.
@robert-hh It shows up as a COM port in device manager.
@MJ1 Can you use it to connect to you device, or does it also not show up as COM port? In that case, see: https://forum.pycom.io/topic/4911/expansion-board-3-1-issues