Firmware updater not working..
I have updated my devices to the latest firmware ie 1.20 rc2 and if i try to update the firmware using the desktop software, it fails to detect the device anymore?
@misterlisty Thanks - what PC / Operating system are you using ? Windows/Mac/Linux?
(sysname='LoPy4', nodename='LoPy4', release='1.20.2.rc3', version='v1.11-2037465 on 2020-02-05', machine='LoPy4 with ESP32', lorawan='1.0.2', sigfox='1.0.1', pybytes='1.3.1')
@Xykon (sysname='LoPy4', nodename='LoPy4', release='1.20.2.rc3', version='v1.11-2037465 on 2020-02-05', machine='LoPy4 with ESP32', lorawan='1.0.2', sigfox='1.0.1', pybytes='1.3.1')
@misterlisty what OS are you using? which device are you using and also please post the result of
import os print(str(os.uname()))
@andreas i have updated to the latest version ie 1.16.2 . I can connect to the module using visual code and can program it with no issue but the firmware upgrade will not detect device. I reset it when its connected and still no detection.
@misterlisty What OS are you using?
i have ie 1.16.2...i can see it's detecting the com port but fails to detect the pycom using the extension board or pytrack or pysense board. I have used multple pycom modules ie gypy,fypy, lopy and seems to have occured as soon as the module gets the latest firmware.
It looks like 1.16.2 is the most recent one.
how do i know its the latest? 1.16.2?
Dear @misterlisty,
did you also update the Firmware Updater to the most recent version?
With kind regards,