BLE notify callback problems with multiple calls in short time

  • Hi,

    I opened an issu in github regarding my problem reading a BLE battery management system. Here you send a command (to the TX characteristic) and get a notification (on the RX characteristic) when new data are available. The incoming data are splitted into two parts, so I get two callback calls. But - and this is my assumption - the data are overwritten in the char_obj in modbt.c, function gattc_events_handler() before the callback is executed.

    So I always get the same data (the second part of the message), but never the first. Anyone experienced the same and has an idea what I can do?

    Btw., here is the github issue link: Issue 449

    Best regards,
    Herr Frei

  • Having the exact same issue. Multiple notifications with <10ms intervals will cause the same value to be presented in the call backs. :(

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