at commands socket connection (socket dial[NO CARRIER])
def socket_connect(ip, port, timeout_secs): # returns: True if connection successful print("connecting to ip - {0}, port - {1}".format(ip, port)) # make sure socket is closed socket_close() # socket configuration # connID = 1 --> socket connection identifier # cid = 1 --> PDP context identifier # pktSz = 1500 --> packet size # maxTo = 10 --> exchange timeout in secs # connTo = 600 --> connection timeout in msecs # txTo = 3 --> data sending timeout in hundreds of msecs # a = at('AT+SQNSCFG=1,1,1500,10,600,3', 'OK') a = at('AT+SQNSCFG=1,1,1500,{0},600,3'.format(timeout_secs)) if len(a) == 0: print("error connecting") return False # socket extended configuration # connID = 1 --> socket connection identifier # srMode = 1 --> SQNSRING URC data amount mode # recvDataMode = 1 --> data in hex # keepalive = 0 --> unused # listenAutoRsp = 0 --> deactivated # sendDataMode = 1 --> data in hex a = at('AT+SQNSCFGEXT=1,1,1,0,0,1') if len(a) == 0: print("error connecting") return False #a = at('AT+SQNSL=1,1,{0}'.format(port)) # socket dial # connID = 1 --> socket connection identifier # txProt = 0 --> TCP protocol # rPort = <port> --> remote host port to contact # IPaddr = <ip> --> address of remote host # closureType = 0 --> local host closes immediately when remote host has closed # lPort = 0 --> UDP port (not used) # connMode = 1 --> command mode connection # acceptAnyRemote = 0 --> disabled a = at('AT+SQNSD=1,0,{0},"{1}",0,0,1,0'.format(port,ip)) if len(a) == 0: print("error connecting") return False print("** connection successful **") return True
I set the socket config and extend config parameters as follows and the modem's response is 'OK'. It's okay, but I get an error saying '[NO CARRIER]' on socket dial.
modem command: AT+SQNSD=1,0,42000,"",0,0,1,0 modem response: ['NO CARRIER']
What could be the reason for this? Can anyone with an idea help me?
Thank you for your return and advices.
error is related to the Modem not being connected to a network, hence the No carrier. Also, it seems your IP address is not correct as "", I believe it should be ""