PyGate as LoRa node

  • Hi,

    I´m quite a beginner with the Pycom products and wonder if there is a possibility to missuse the Pygate as a LoRaWan node (TTN end device)?


  • @Yusuf-BAYLAV let’s note for clarification that the Pygate version of the firmware of the LoPY or FiPy does not include support for LoRa end-device operations. So one would need to use the “regular” version of the firmware with no support for the Pygate.

  • Hello,

    The Pygate itself has no computing capabilities. It needs to be attached to a Development Module, LoPy for example. If you attach a LoPy to the Pygate, you can of course configure the LoPy as a LoRaWan node. In that case you would not be using the Pygate as a LoRa gateway, instead you would be using it as a shield just like an Expansion Board.


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